Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Current mood:happy

Happy Holidays! I have wanted to send out a family Holiday letter for the last few years and life just seems to get in the way. This year, I am making time to at least blog about it! We have had a busy year! Hubby and I celebrated our 2nd Anniversary, Monster turned 4, Monkey turned 2…and so much more. I'll try to hit the highlights.

Hubby had gallbladder surgery in February and then transferred from one PD to another in March. This move has given him more time at home and a pay raise. His new shift is 7pm-7am and he either works Mon/T & Fr/Sat/Sun or Wed/Thur each week. We love when he has a Wed/Thur work week. We are able to plan so many wonderful family activities!

For those who haven't heard yet, I am a Senior Independent Beauty Consultant with Mary Kay Cosmetics. I fell in love with the product and the opportunity. It gives me the freedom and flexibility to not only make my own schedule and write my own paycheck, but to stay home and be a mom to our girls full time! If I haven't given you a complimentary facial yet, I'm coming!

We were in and out of court all year for our custody case for Monster. We finally got in front of a Judge in October. After three days of testifying & weeks of waiting for a decision, Hubby was granted custody. We are so thankful that God heard our prayers and placed Monster where he felt she will grow and learn best. We will have Monster during the week and every other weekend, as well as every other Thanksgiving, Spring Break, Christmas, and most of the summer. We hope that her biological mother is able to be as involved in Monster's life as possible. Please pray that God will open her heart to communicating with us so that we can develop a healthy parenting relationship for her.

Monster and Monkey are growing so much and learning everyday! I won't try to list everything, but here are a few big things. Monster can write her first and last name, TIE HER SHOES (YAY), count to 30, and her ABCs. Monkey is right beside her learning whatever she can, she is a little sponge. She can spell her first name, recognize 20 letters, knows 6 shapes and 4 colors. We are so proud of our girls!!!

Monster is still our little Drama Queen. Every little scrape sends her to her deathbed. She is so emotional and loves to be the center of attention. I can't wait to get her into some community theater! She enjoys playing with Disney Princess, dress up, baby dolls, and her books. She is looking forward to playing t-ball in the spring. She'll start KINDERGARTEN in August. I can't believe it!!!

Monkey is our little spitfire. She definitely has her mommy's determination and he daddy's stubbornness. Sometimes that can be challenging for us. She is definitely more of a physical than emotional kind of girl. She loves cars, books, cooking, and playing outside. We have to give her some time to climb and run outside everyday or she climbs our walls!

As a family, we have visited so many places this year and experienced new things. We love living so close to the zoo. We like to go for a morning visit and the girls are learning so much. They are both really into animals and nature. We also love the many museums our area has to offer. We can't wait to explore our surrounding states between now and August! We have a lot of exploring to do!We are so blessed to have such a wonderful life. We wish all of you a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year! Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers as we navigate through life.