Monday, June 16, 2008

June 16

This weekend was great!
Friday...My mom, Becca, Myself & Matt did the Hospice Flea was HOT, but we found a lot of great deals on videos, crafts, and other odds & ends...

We played in the TBall tournament Thurs, Fri, & Saturday...we lost our first game, then turned around and won two games in a double header Friday night, which guaranteed us at least 2nd place...Saturday morning we played a great game, but lost to Franklinville. We are so proud of our kids!!! We only had 10 kids for the double headers & only 11 on Saturday (which meant all the kids played the entire game)...They were all so tired, but they ROCKED IT!!! We made the other team work for it!
Sunday, My mom & I took the girls to the Zoo (and Becca too) so that Matt could "enjoy" his sleep for Father's day because he had to work all weekend...

Today, I braved the Hospice Flea Market again with Angie...not as hot or crowded, and even better deals! oh yeah, and Angie fell in a gopher hole...she's ok...LOL, ask me later! Tonight we are having some family time...some more UNO! YAY

Friday, June 13, 2008

Some down time?

Had a GREAT morning...made waffles w/fresh picked strawberries & whipped cream for the family as a thank you for picking up the slack the past couple weeks & being so great...then we spent some quality time together with NO interruptions! Isn't it funny how life works out? Our miscarriage may really be a blessing in disguise. No, we aren't happy it happened, but it has given us a new outlook on life. I mean, we lost a child & I almost bled to death in our bathroom. We realized how precious life really is. So, if you have a beef with me, deal with it, because I am too busy to bother with you.

I think we are becoming a much closer family. Matt & I have really done some soul searching & talking the last few days...its been great. We've decided not to sweat the small stuff (or even some of the big things) that we can't change. Life is REALLY what you make it. If you dwell on negativity, that is what you will have. Likewise, focus on the positive and you will find you are truly blessed.

We are blessed with: Each other, Monster, Monkey, our families (no matter how crazy they are), a home, our church family, friends, love, and so much more. Every morning and evening we now make sure to spend some "quality" time alone together & with our girls (although we already did that most days). We take this time to be silly, laugh, & to communicate our feelings! We are also setting aside time each week to "work" on our marriage, whether that be through having a date night or just working out any issues that may come up.

Our bedroom is now OUR space. We don't discuss any problem or talk about anything that is not our marriage. We will use the living room or dining room for other matters, including (and especially) finances!!! We have even decided to set rules regarding his ex-wife & we will no longer "allow" her to have an affect on our family. Otherwise, why are we paying an attorney to deal with her DRAMA!?! We will only discuss the issues surrounding custody after we drop off or while on our way to pick up Monster from her EOWE visit. That time is already wasted, so we will use it to our advantage. If something comes up that needs an answer, we will spend no more than 15 minutes on it & never in front of the girls, no matter what.

My day (and his time off) is much more devoted to girls! Housework & other activities can wait! They will only be this young once & we want to be an everpresent force in their life. This will help us to communicate with them as they grown and change into young women.