Friday, September 26, 2008

Busy Bees

It's been a busy few weeks...and things aren't slowing down quite yet.
Monster is LOVING school and dance class...she can't wait to start AWANA & Daisies in the next few weeks. She already thinks homework is dumb and boring (and she's only had to write her name, put a puzzle together, and color some shapes...LOL)!!! She is a great listener, most of the time.

Monkey is missin' her "sissy" while she is at school, but getting used to it. We'll start some fun trips as soon as I get our schedule running a little more smoothly. She is absorbing everything in dance class. I am SO glad that they moved her class to Tuesdays right before Monster's.

Speaking of Tuesdays...If you are trying to get in touch with us on that night...try the cell! We'll have Daisies every other week until 4:15 then their dance classes are from 5:45 through 7:30.

WE ARE BUSY LITTLE BEES, but I am lovin' life!!!