Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Drum Roll Please!

We're having a GIRL!!!

Yep, another girl. Baby Beast will be joining our family soon, but not soon enough!  Monster  & Monkey were a little upset that it was not a baby brother (probably our fault). Monkey actually cried in the ultrasound room saying "but I want a baby brother not a baby sister." Monky was much more ok with the idea after we told her she could teach her how to play Little Mermaid! Monster was so great...she told Monkey that she'll love having a baby sister because Monkey is her favorite already & Baby Beast will be her other favorite!

Both girls were already kissing my tummy & saying "I love you Beast" before we left! OMGosh, I almost cried!!! Of course, they helped us pick out the names. Yes, we were hoping for a boy, but we're all getting used to the idea of another girl running around the house in a princess gown!

After the ultrasound we left for a GREAT beach trip to Oak Island! We went out on the beach 3 times. Not too bad for January, huh? We even took the girls out at 6:30 in the am to look for sand dollars since they were both up anyway. After about fifteen minutes of freezing my face off, of course we left. We also went to the Aquarium, OKI Lighthouse, and spent some time w/Matt's cousin.

Before we left Monday, it was about 50 degrees. The girls actually took their shoes off, rolled up their jeans and played in the surf!!! OMG, it was SOOO fun. We wanted to get hermit crabs, but NO ONE had them...not to mention most of the WINGS were closed anyway! I guess they aren't as popular in the winter. So, we'll get them when we get back, probably a LOT cheaper!  Monster picked out "big girl" souvenirs (like pencils & a jewelry box) wherever we went. She didn't want stuffed animals or water squirting puffer fish like Monkey, LOL!!!

We hated to leave a day early, but we really didn't want to drive home in the snow Tuesday. BTW, how cool is it that we were playing in the sand & surf one day then making snowmen (even if they were only 6 in. tall) the next? The girls were AMAZED!!! I can't wait to take Baby Beast w/us this summer!

Friday, January 9, 2009

HRC Moment

So, we all know Monster's mom (Her Royal Craziness) gets her 2 weekends a month...this is supposed to be one of them. Before we left our house to go to the meeting place, I HONESTLY looked at Matt & said "I have a feeling she isn't going to be there." Well, I am not psychic by any means, but ya know how those gut feelings work...

Well, we show up at the meeting place (an hour drive for us, 1 and a half for her) & wait 20 minutes...still no show from HRC. So, Matt called her at home to leave her a message (she has no cell phone & he has to be to work at 6:30, so we couldn't wait any longer) here's how it went:
Matt: HRC, I'm @ meeting place, why are you still at home?
HRC: It's not my weekend
Matt: Yes it is.
HRC: Well, I guess I totally f*ing forgot. What do we do?"
Matt: I have to be at work & Kandice has plans tonight. Can you get your mom (who lives in our town) to pick Monster up at the PD (where he works) at 6:30 & bring her to you?
HRC: I can try.

Well, a few minutes later she calls back & said her mom can't pick up Monster at that time/place, but she can pick her up 20 miles away from the PD at the same time. Well, obviously that posed a problem. He told her that wouldn't work & she started screaming at him & cussing. HA HA, that went over like a lead brick. We refused to answer her calls for the next half hour of our drive. It wasn't like we could do anything until we got back to town anyway.

So, she left 5 CRAZY messages threatening us with police & all that drama, saying we were denying her visitation. She actually DEMANDED (used the word & everything) that he call her in 10 minutes OR ELSE. What I wanted to say was..."OK, UM DUH, YOU FORGOT YOUR CHILD YOU CRAZY WOMAN & WE ARE TRYING TO ARRANGE ANOTHER WAY FOR YOU TO STILL HAVE TIME WITH HER & YOU ARE GOING TO TRY TO DICTATE TO US WHERE WE WILL MEET YOUR MOTHER?! As Dr. Phil says "How's that working for you?" Next time, we won't bother calling you!!!"

Anyway, we know there is NOTHING a police officer/deputy can do except say pretty please. Matt called the grandma (her mom) & explained the situation. GUESS WHAT! She agreed to meet us at the PD at the requested time...AMAZING RIGHT?

Meanwhile, poor Monster is crying & wondering why HRC forgot her.  (Phone was on speaker because it was broken)  Now she has to be in a car for 5 hours straight, because the grandma is bringing her to the meeting place where HRC will pick her up. Poor baby, I felt so bad for her. Just another thing for her counselor to deal with Monday I guess. Hmmm...for someone who hates us for "stealing her child" (HA), she sure did make a BIG mistake!!! If I was only able to see MY child for 4 days a month, you better believe I would know when those days were!!!

So, anyway, thanks for reading, have a great weekend everyone!