Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Beast Has Arrived!

Hey Everyone! Baby Beast joined our family on Friday May 22 @ 5:17pm. She was a whopping 6 lbs. 3 oz., 19 inches long. After two weeks of contractions, she DEFINITELY made an entrance into this world! Long story short as possible:

I'd been dilated up to 3 sm for the last few weeks. Thursday evening/Friday am "real" contractions began, so we made our way to the birth center (an hour from home). I was still only at a 4 after 3 hours, so @ 1:30pm we made the decision to come home and wait a while before we would return to the birth center. At 5:00, I knew we had to leave. As I stood up to get ready, my water broke. I felt intense pressure and with the next contraction, I yelled for Matt to call an ambulance because there was no way I would make it to the brth center. I made it to the bathroom & with the next contraction, I delivered her myself while Matt was on the phone with EMS. Matt tied off her umbilical cord with his shoe string & wrapped us in towel. So, the entire Climax Fire Department (including my HS colorguard instructor's husband that I have known for 12 years) arrived, then EMS. So, needless to say, her first vehicle ride was in an ambulance!!! We spent the night at Randolph hospital to get checked out. Mom & baby are both doing great! Her big sisters were a little scared by her amazing arrival, but are completely smitten with her! I think Monster will pet her skin off if we don't watch her, LOL!

Healthy visitors are welcome...all others, phone calls would be GREAT!