Monday, December 28, 2009

WOW-2009 flew right by me! Where did it go? So much changed, but definitely for the better! Those of you who keep up with us here know all that's gone on, so no need to review, LOL. If you wanna know, feel free to read past blogs.

As for Christmas, the words of Monster, "IT WAS SUPERFANTASTICAWESOME." We had my parents & sister Lindsey, as well as Matt's family (& Brittany too!) over for dinner & presents on Christmas day. It was a chaotic fun mess which made my OCD brain go crazy, but I wouldn't change a minute of it!  Monster & Monkey got each other an LPSO (for those w/out girls, that is code for "Littlest Pet Shop ONLINE") & I am SO glad they each picked out the "right one" for the other! They got Beast a twinkle lights & sound star stacker thing. Of course, my dad got her one too! That's ok, now she'll have one for travelling to grandparents (teehee). Have I ever mentioned, my dad's criteria for at least one present each year? Well, it has to be annoying; i.e. make noise & lots of it!

The girls had a blast. I am so lucky to have three beautiful girls who are grateful for even the smallest things. I think their favorite gifts were the rubber frogs- yep, rubber frogs that cost all of $1 each! Of course, it may have something to do with the fact that they each got a coupon for a LIVE FROG too! Yeah, I think that was the kicker. They also loved the "Disney Princess Cookbook" I got them. They wanted to stop opening presents and make something right at that moment! Silly little monkeys!!! It was so fun to watch all three girls open presents. Even Beast did a pretty good job.

I honestly can still remember every Christmas with our girls! Monster was 7 months her first Christmas. Matt & I had only been together about a month, but we knew we were forever. She spent her first Christmas Eve at my mom's house & the look on her face was priceless when she opened her first presents! Monkey's first Christmas was hillarious. She just wanted to crawl around and eat the bows!

I haven't had a chance to watch this year's video, but I'm sure there were some moments I missed in all the craziness! YAY CAMCORDERS!

SIDEBAR: If you don't video your kids, START NOW! Each little moment may not seem like much, but they are precious. Sometimes we get it out when we're just sitting around playing a game or talking.

Ya know, it isn't always the big things. My favorite moments are the ones that no one would ever care about but me. Saturday night, as I was doing dishes after dinner, Monster said "Mommy, I'm going to save my best last kisses for you at bedtime tonight because you are the best turkey cooking mommy ever and I missed you for every spider when I was gone."  That is extra special because usually, Matt gets her "last kisses" because she's such a daddy's girl. Come on, would you trade that moment? Or when Monkey says, "Mommy, can you hold me for just a little bit before bedtime because I miss you so much when I am asleep." AWWW! NOPE, nothing compares. Well, maybe those moments in the early morning before anyone else is awake when Beast opens her tiny eyes and says "mamamamama" and giggles at me until I snuggle her in my arms. Yeah, I think all three make the top 10!

I've spent a lot of time thinking, praying, and talking to people that REALLY matter this year. Matt & I are making 2010 count! We're changing our hearts. That's right. Not our minds, not our attitudes- OUR HEARTS. We've let our emotions and bitterness control us in the distant past, but not in 2010! GOD IS IN CONTROL! An evangelist spoke at our church & he really touched my heart. One statement he made was "You may think you are in control, but guess what- God made air, God WINS!" For some reason, it really stuck with me.

I have no right to ask God to do anything. From now on, may his will be done! He is definitely proving it right now. It doesn't matter what I do, HIS will is what matters. Whoever would've thought that THIS is what God wants? I can only hope he REALLY knows what he is doing, LOL!

Anyway, 2010 is going to be full of surprises & I can't wait to start it with a big one! Santa left our family a present that we can't open until January 11! Of course, Santa told me what it is & it's driving the girls nuts, but it has to be that way for a few reasons. They are going to be so surprised & I can't wait to see their faces when they find out what it is!

2010 is going to be a busy year, that is for sure! Monster will turn 7 (OMG), Monkey will start kindergarten, Beast will have her first BDAY & we will celebrate our 5 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! (oh, & Matt will have his 10 yr reunion-he's so old, LOL) Where does all the time go? It feels like that football game was just a few weeks ago, not over 6 years! Sometimes I just want to freeze time & keep the girls the way they are right at that moment. Others, I want to speed it up so they are older & we are experiencing new "big girl" moments!

Ok, I am getting misty eyed thinking about how blessed we are. This was supposed to be a quick update, but I think that's long gone. I hope you all had a very merry Christmas & I wish you the best in 2010!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Snow, Snow, Beautiful Snow

So, yeah...there is this "beautiful snow" on the ground, but it also means I can't get my last-minute Christmas shopping done...I guess its a good thing that we're doing our Christmas a day late! We can enjoy the lovely weather (LOL) and some time together this weekend! Ashley spent the night with Angie, so I'm sure she'll be rested up & ready for some snowball fights this afternoon!

Christmas is going to ROCK his year! The tiny tiny one has learned how to unwrap presents...yep, found that out the hard way . Its ok, she only opened one for herself & she won't remember it anyway. I guess that comes along with the territory of having a crawler that is ONLY 6 MONTHS OLD! Anyway, we'll have the joy of watching all 3 of our girls opening presents & playing this Christmas...I can't wait. Can it get any better? Oh wait! IT CAN!!! My parents & Matt's parents, as well as a few of our brothers & sisters are joining us for dinner Christmas Day & SANTA PRESENTS the next morning! I'm so glad Santa has the extra time to run around!

On another note...Angie's surgery went SO WELL! I am so proud of her for choosing to undergo this process so that she can watch her 3 gorgeous grandaughters grow everyday (and whoever else comes along ). It wasn't an easy choice, but she's a fighter! She's already lost 30 lbs! YOU GO ANGIE!!!

In case you haven't heard...I have the best in-laws ever! I don't say much about my father-in-law here, but he is the greatest! I am so glad my husband learned how to be a husband & father from him. Larry SPOILS Angie & would give anything he had for anyone else, even if that means he has to go without. Our family is definitely one that sticks together & has a great time doing it. I am so blessed to be a part of this & wouldn't trade it for anything.

The new year is going to be an experience, that's for sure! January needs to hurry up & get here! I can't hold in the surprise much longer! The girls are going to be SO SURPRISED & EXCITED!!! (yay!)

Hope everyone has a MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR! I'll probably find some time for our annual Chrsitmas Letter & New Year's Resolution, but right now I'm off to make some fresh apple cider & some cookies...yummy!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A few quotes

How's everone in blog land? Life's been pretty quiet (YAY!) and it gets better everyday. You guys know I love my quotes (all 10 gazillion of them) & a few of you've sent me a few good quotes recently, so I wanted to share them. If you want to comment, leave 'em on my page, not here. I have those private. Enjoy!

"Change hurts. It makes people insecure, confused, and angry. People want things to be the same as they've always been, because that makes life easier."

“I believe the only people that should be around a child and raising a child are people who absolutely, 100 percent love that child.” Angelina Jolie

“Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, 'cause hate in your heart will consume you too." Will Smith

“We cannot change our past. We can not change the fact that people act in a certain way. We can not change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.” Charles R. Swindoll

“It is always the simple things that change our lives. And these things never happen when you are looking for them to happen. Life will reveal answers at the pace life wishes to do so. You feel like running, but life is on a stroll. This is how God does things.” Donald Miller

“The great thing is, if one can, to stop regarding all the unpleasant things as interruptions in one's "own" or "real" life. The truth is, of course, that what one regards as interruptions are precisely one's life.” C.S. Lewis

“As you begin changing your thinking, start immediately to change your behaviour. Begin to act the part of the person you would like to become. Take action on your behaviour. Too many people want to feel, then take action. This never works.”John Maxwell