Monday, October 13, 2008


Ok, last week could have been better, so we're starting it off right this week!
Last night we had a yummy dinner that we all helped cook. While it was cooking, the girls & I made caramel appes (yummy, but very sticky, lol). After dinner we played Hungry Hungry Hippos & then just chilled as a family.
Tonight I have an MK meeting & Matt is working, so the girls will be hanging out with my lil sis Becca (they love her).
Tuesday night will be class for Monkey, then open house @ Grays Chapel.
Wednesday night will be AWANAS (maybe a dance class for Ashley to make up for Tues)...
Thursday will be Family Night, no phone from 5-7 pm, sorry guys!
Then, we'll drop off Monster Friday, Monkey will go to Granny's, then I am off to an MK Retreat! WOOHOO!!!

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