Sunday, February 11, 2007


You know, its funny how people will fight for something and cause others to hurt just because they feel they deserve something...then once they get it, they don't even want it. Relationships, children, nothing is safe.Its like toddlers. If one puts down a toy, its ok. But the second another child wants the toy, they pitch a fit until they get it back. Then, they don't want it anymore. Women do it all the time..."I don't want it, but you can't have it either. If you do get it, I will make your life miserable until you give it back or you don't want it either."

NOTE:Women of the world, please stop degrading yourselves by ruining happy peoples relationships. If you are done with someone, be done. Don't keep bashing them. Let them have their space. Obviously, they weren't happy either, so stop trying to make it a point to say/do things or write on webpages what scum of the earth they are and what bad choices YOU made. All that does is show what kind of evil rests in your soul. If the relationship was that bad, why do you keep bringing it up? Unless there are still unresolved feelings, GET OVER YOURSELF.

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