Friday, February 2, 2007

It is said that children are a product of their environment as well as their physiology. I hope that in some cases environment will overtake biology. We try our hardest not to let strangers affect our children. However, what can you do when the negative influence is a family member? I've come to the realization that overcompensation would also be wrong. I won't use bribes as a means of "winning."

Our children will love and respect us because we love and respect them. They will follow our guidance because we use our behavior to model what we expect. If you are reading this after my last two entries, you'll have to take into account the following. I don't ever REGRET anything I say or do. Regrets only cause issues that can never be resolved. You can't change the past.

I will teach my children to stand up for themselves and for those who can't defend themselves, especially in the case of a child. No parent should treat their child as a pawn in the game we call life. If you think life isn't a game, think again. There are challenges, rewards, storylines, foes, allies, and hopefully at the end you can say "great game."

Every decision I have made in my life has given me what I consider a "great game" so far. I have allies, friends, and even a few foes. I know I will defeat the demons and overcome the challenges as long as I can trust my partner to be a rock when I need him as I will do the same.

There is not a moment that goes by that the future isn't affected by something someone says or does somewhere. It is our job as parents to make sure that we teach our children to turn to God and their families whenever they are faced with challenges, no matter how great or small.

That being said, Hubby, I love you and we will get through anything life throws at us as a team. You have a loving family, a great career, and the rest of your life to enjoy it all. Don't let anyone ruin that by getting under your skin. You can only be affected by what you let inside. Bounce the negative energy off as positive and life will only get better.

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