Wednesday, January 31, 2007


First off, you don't "piss me off". I have better things to worry about, like my children, than about whether or not you are angry or hurt or sad or anything else. I tried to be nice, I tried to be understanding. On a side note, this part makes no SENSE. Perhaps you were trying to say something else "good old fashoned comon sense that allows you to be pissed off at me all the time" but please elaborate if you would like me to understand.I do not believe you are making me out to be less of a person to Monster. I know where I stand with her.

However, it sure is funny how after a weekend with you she says things like "BM said you're not my mommy" & "BM said you are a mean girl and I don't have to listen to you." She doesn't just pull those things out of nowhere. She has heard them somewhere.I am not going off the deep end. I am responding to your passive-aggressive behaviors in the same way you presented them. You read a blog I posted about parenting and assumed it was about you. It was not, by the way. But, that's just another example of how YOU assume the world is only concerned with you. I don't know where you could have gathered that. If you think that I started this dialogue, go back and read that first was all you!

In case you forgot, here is what you wrote: "I think that sometimes, we have 2 faces and when we want something we are willing to provide lip service and then change our opinion when others are around. Its pretty sad, but then we are all gulity. I also think that to make something about a childs best intrest is good. Yet, I also think that sometimes we forget who the mother and father is. Yes, everyone should love a child involved in a broken home, yet we should stand down and allow some parental decisions to be made wearhter we like them or not. And stop letting the parent that feels excluded, feel that way. Why would I have to make all the calls and what not. If this is a family that is supposed to pull together?"

Right there you tried to put me in my place. I don't give lip service. After three years you should know that I don't put up with lies. I don't need them. Why lie when the truth is just as much fun? I could give a flying flip who gave birth to her. Neither does she. I will never stand down on parental decisions because she is my daughter also. I will reiterate, decisions regarding her will affect BOTH households. Even if it the decision is only about you seeing her more. Case in point, Mondays. I don't object to her spending time with you. But any parent would agree that keeping a child in an office for two days straight is not only insane, but borderline abuse.

Even in childcare we are not allowed to let children stay inside all day. Also, when it will mean that I have to put Monkey in a car for 2 HOURS just to accommodate YOUR schedule, FORGET IT. Take that however you want. It is bad enough that you are making Monster sit in a car that long. I agreed to S. City (and so did you at dinner), one hour is the limit. Unless you were lying to my face when you said that you wouldn't want me to have to haul Monkey that far. You did not agree on pickup/dropoff times. You refused to drive here to pick her up for YOUR time.

Hubby agreed to drive to P. City every other Monday just to get you to shut up and let us have some family time. However, logistically, it may not be possible with his new work schedule, so be prepared. Also, I think you should be able to call US to discuss problems. Please do. Your limitations are laid out on paper. When and how often you can call, when you pick her up, and what we will discuss with you. If you are unsure, TALK to us about it. Don't call demanding to speak to Hubby.

Next, I know you could never replace me, believe me. As far as putting myself in your shoes, I don't have to worry about Monkey doing the same thing, because I didn't and won't leave her father to be with someone else. I can handle the problems life throws at me, no matter how hard they are. I think before I act & I won't have children with a man I am not going to spend the rest of my life with.The only decision you've had to "live with" is a haircut that MONSTER picked out and decided on. I am not going to apologize for that.

Just for the record, I could care less about "punishing you." God will do enough of that when you get there.I have never told you that you are unintelligent. No, I do not throw my education in your face. It is just a fact of life. If you are bothered by it, I will not apologize. Get over it. Also, if you are going to make it a point to show me that you are "not a blithering idiot" please have someone proofread your "work" before sending. It just makes me laugh even more when I am proven right. I don't need to "show out" (whatever that means).

You have neither right nor reason not to trust me. You are the one that just said it was a BLOG and that you should be able to express your feelings. That is all I am doing. Your own lack of confidence and self-destructive behaviors are the only things for you to fear. Things start going great and smooth in Monster's life and you can't stand it. Think back, you'll find it's never us to start the issues. We have only responded to your insecurities. This is why I know I haven't been wrong about you. You see things through your own perspective and spin them to make everyone else the bad guy.

Why do you think your dad wants nothing to do with you? He sees Monster through us because you treat him like everyone else in your life. If someone has something you want, you are right as rain. Once you get what you want, you treat them like shit. Not me anymore. You can deal with what you get. If you want something more, prove it. Stop lying and trying to manipulate. When you call, get off the defensive.

Realize this though, I will not be tread upon. I am a self-actualized person and I know I have more to offer than you are willing to listen to. I have never given you any misinformation. I have only offered tips and tools to help you raise Monster in the same manner we will so that she will have consistency. As a childcare professional with experience in birth through 12thgrade and the oldest of 6 children, I have knowledge that you as an only child with no prior experience with children could benefit from if you would only give it a chance. You are too busy trying to make me your enemy. You have from day one been jealous; admit it to yourself so that you can move past it.

One more thing, just for clarification, you could never put me down, because you would have to be superior to do that. I don't feel that you deserve the status of superiority to me, nor vice versa.

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