Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Toy Overload

Ok, we are FINALLY finishing the playroom for the girls!!! We thought about giving them each their own room, but really sharing a room will benefit them much more. They have so many shared toys & play together so much they would just be back and forth anyway. PLUS, sharing a room will help them learn to better communicate, establish personal boundaries, and many other skills needed for a successful life.

YAY, this means I get my room back and they have a place for ALL their toys! As if they didn't have enough already, all their grandparents & great-grandparents bought them SOOOOO many things that we haven't even been able to take a quarter out of the boxes yet!We (matt & I) agreed to buy them only 2 toys a piece, clothes, and each a tent/sleeping bag/flashlight set (Monkey: lil mermaid & Monster: disn. princess) because we were told how much to expect from everywhere else! They opened presents for 3 days !!!

Just a highlight of their loot received from everyone else...an actvity desk, indoor/outdoor patio table/chairs set, barbies, baydolls, A TON of art supplies, preschool workbooks, a few stuffed animals, Color by Wonder sets, MORE duplos, a TMX elmo, LEAP PAD stuff for BOTH of their leap pads, Playdough and a billion toys to go with it, clothes of course and SOOOOO much more! HELP ME!!! I have vowed that by Friday we will be in OUR room again. That is, if the toys don't overtake us first!!!

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