Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Ya know, when someone says they've changed, you only have to give them the benefit of the doubt until they've shown they haven't. I want to believe it for the sake of the innocent involved, but its very hard when you see the old person peek through. I know that life is hard and no one makes ALL the right choices. I understand and empathize, but I don't have to like any of it. I have the right to be perturbed. However, I am going to exercise the power of intention at this point. I am going to believe that change is possible and that everything is for the best. I will not resist the moment, I will live in it and make it work for me and my family. If you're reading this and it makes you upset, then maybe you have some things to look at in your own life. It is not necessarily directed toward one person, but as a general statement.

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