Monday, January 1, 2007


Ok guys & gals...2006 is over & it was hard but ended superbly. Matthew and I have made it through another year without too much drama .

Monkey & Monster have grown so much and are deveolping their own very distinct personalities. Monster is a drama queen & the world is just "SO HARD" for her. We like to call her "WIM" (woe is me), but we cut her a little slack because she has to go between her mother's apt and our home. She's been through a lot of changes in her 3 1/2 years, but has come through it all more adjusted than I would be. I Know she'll be fine in the longrun, especially now that we've worked out a more structured parenting schedule with BM.

Monkey, on the other hand, is just a ball of energy. Nothing stops her when she wants to do something. She will try until she can't try anymore. She is more "LAM" (look at me). At only 18 months I can already see her being President of the World if she wants. She is so happy just running around being herself.

For right now, both girls play well together & love to be around each other.

For me, 2007 is going to be a time for growing and developing new & existing relationships; giving second chances, and getting closer to having everything I've always wanted.
My promises to myself, God, & my family this year are:1) To be more patient with my husband- yes, I love him more than any other man in this world and always will (but husbands can be so frustrating)

2) To continue to give our girls the love and respect they deserve as well as the space & support they need to grow into the beautiful, smart women I know they will be someday

3) To give second chances to those who may not deserve them, but need the opprtunity to show that they have changed or are in the process of turning over a new leaf & to also give them the benefit of the doubt in more situations

4) To put the finishing touches on my "happily ever after" dream (My family & close friends should know what I mean)

5) To live, love, and laugh the whole year through so that by this time next year I can look back and be as proud of my life as I am right now

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