Tuesday, January 30, 2007


After some recent conversations, I have decided to post the following:

My husband and I make the right choices for our family. They may not be the best fot him or me, but we see them validated everyday in our children's faces and actions. Every time our children make the right choices at school, home, and church. Every time anyone tells us how wonderfully behaved they are. We know that we are rasing them in a loving home with "concious discipline" (thanks Dr. Becky Bailey).Wherever they are, whoever they are with, we know they will have the knowledge and power to make the right decisions. Outside influences will always try to negatively affect them, but I know with the right guidance the right choice will shine through.

The world is becoming a place that teaches violence, drug abuse, and teenage pregnancy is just a way of life. I know that sometimes even a child of great parents can make a wrong CHOICE. However, by preparing our children with every tool possible I hope to give them the best chance to succeed.

If you are a parent, stop being selfish. Make the right choices for your child. It doesn't matter if you don't like it. You are not your child's friend, you are their parent. If they don't like you at some point, GOOD, you are doing your job. If a child only gets his/her own way all the time, he/she learns that the world will bend to them. If a child has to live with disappointment everyonce in a while, they will learn to deal with life's twists and turns before the real world hits them. We are raising children that will be the future. Please keep this in mind when making choices regarding them.

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