Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Brought to you by the letter O

OVERVIEW- July and August were rough, but wonderful nonetheless. Monkey turned 2 and we celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary!!! Our court date was postponed (twice), so Monster's still in limbo. DSS cleared Matt and unsubstantiated BM's claims against him. We never had any worries, it was just another way for her to stall the preceedings. We've also found a great counselor for Monster to talk with so that she can get her little mind straight.

I went to Dallas for nearly a week for the MK Seminar and IT WAS AWESOME!!! August has been quiet (except for some minor drama at the beginning) so YAY for that!

ORDER- I am restoring some to my life regardless of what others do. My family life will no longer be disrupted by another's choices. We will plan and live according to God's plan for us no matter who tries to throw a monkey wrench in the works.

OPEN- My MK business is open and growing. After seminar, I realized I haven't dedicated as much time to my biz as I should have and that is going to change! So, if you haven't had a facial yet, GET READY! My goal is 30 faces in 30 days and I will need your help!!!

OCTOPUS- yes, octopus...I feel like I am one sometimes. I have so many irons in the fire and each one is just as hot as the first.

OBSTACLES- Many have been placed in our life, but we are getting through and over them as they come; some with a little more difficulty than others, but none will overcome us.

OCTOBER- Hubby's bday. Beach trip later that month with the family. Court, once again, has been rescheduled & we will be in court Oct 23-25 (barring a meteor shower LOL)

OPEN BOOK- My life is one. If you are reading this, know that. I have nothing to hide. If I did, I wouldn't post it on a public blog! I can be held accountable for my actions and this makes it easy for me. I hope you have enjoyed today's blog! Have a GREAT day!

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