Wednesday, June 27, 2007

The letter of the day is "H"

H is for...HAPPY! We are so blessed to have TWO wonderful little girls. Monster has been through a lot, but hopefully we can get it straightened out VERY SOON! She loves helping her little sister learn how to "be big" and encourages her so much. Monkey will be TWO soon. I know, I can't believe it either!!! She is so energetic and loves to laugh. We are working on "the potty" and what DOES go in it and also what DOES NOT. We are having a little trouble on the latter because she is very curious and LOVES to "Fwush".

H is for...HOPPING! My MaryKay business is going superbly. I hope to be in my Red Jacket by the end of the month. I love having a network of wonderful Christian women to help me help myself to get where I am going in life.

H is for...HEART. I am also proud to say that Hubby and I will be celebrating our TWO YEAR ANNIVERSARY soon. Hubby, I love you and we will get through everything that has been a challenge in our life together and those to come. Sometimes I need to lean on you and others you'll have to lean on me. Sometimes, when we least expect, we'll have to lean against each other just to stand, but we will overcome anything life (or Satan) wants to throw at us and come out smiling with new knowledge gained and our relationship stronger.

H is for...HONESTY. This is for everyone in my life. Please give me the respect I give you by being honest with me. I know that the truth sometimes hurts, but lies hurt more. By lying, you leave a door open for the truth to be found out by someone else. If a lie is found out, it usually hurts twice as bad because you get the hurt of the original deed being covered up as well as the hurt of being lied to. Wouldn't it just be easier if everyone could grow up and be honest? Thank You to everyone that has been here for us through trying times. We have appreciated the moral support from our friends and family, it helps more than you realize. I love having a support sytem as greatly structured and strengthened as we have seen come together these past months.

P.S. next court date is July 10th, keep Monster in your thoughts and prayers. May nothing evil cross this door

And may ill fortune never pry
About these windows, may the roar
And rains go by...Strengthened by faith, the rafters will
Withstand the battering of the storm,
This hearth, though all the world grow chill,
Will keep you warm.Laughter shall drown the raucous shout.
And, through the sheltering walls are thin,
May they be strong to keep hate out
And hold love in.--Louis Untermeyer

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