Wednesday, April 23, 2008

spare minute

I have a few minutes while the girls are eating breakfast w/Matt...then starts our busy day!!!

Last night was Skate Night for Grays Chapel...I just wanted to tell everyone...MADY is SOOO cute roller skating! Last night was the first time she'd ever been on them & she rocked! She wouldn't let anyone hold her hand (except Ashley when they were dancing of course, LOL). Her favorite was the Hokey Pokey! Ashley's been on skates a while, so she thought Mady could use her help, but I think she was on her butt more than the tiny one! I was going to skate, but Angie & Jamie wouldn't let me (heiffers, j/k).

Also, this Saturday is "Super Saturday" for Ashley's t-ball team. This is like one big "homecoming" with EVERY Whites Memorial team having a home game, starting with our team at 9 am. There is a pork barbeque lunch/dinner beginning at 11 am as well as a 50/50 Raffle (the winner gets half the ticket sales). Each child is responsible for selling at least 12 tickets for the 50/50 raffle. They are $1 each or 6 for $5. The money will be going to Whites Memorial Ball Field for improvements. Ash has already sold her first set of 12 and is working on some more! If you or anyone else would like any, please give me a call. We have to turn them in Saturday morning before the game, so Friday would be the last chance to get any.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Midnight Owl

Hey people...still up? Just wanted to say HI & thanks for reading my blogs! I appreciate all the messages & support. We know that life can be hard, and we're doing all we can to make it easier on both girls. I have a few more moments than I did earlier, so...

Speaking of the girls, they are AWESOME!!!

Ash is loving TBALL & I love being at all of her games & practices cheering her on (whether in the stands or helping in the dugout). She is getting so smart & we love hearing her views on everything going on in her life. She picks up on a lot that people don't realize. We know our life isn't perfect, whose is? She's much happier now that she is adjusted and involved.

Madyson is still a fireball! She is like the energizer bunny, she definitely keeps going and going...even after she is asleep! Yeah, she takes after me & never stays in one place at night. All that energy!!! We've even had to buy a t-ball set of her own because she wanted to play with Ash so badly! I have learned to take a nap when she does, LOL. I am so proud of her and what she is already accomplishing.

I thank God every day for them and pray when they aren't near that God keeps them safe. Its very hard to know that we teach them respect and love for everyone, only to be fought at every turn. There is enough hatred in the world.

We are 8 weeks pregnant now! Yes, we are excited and will continue to be! Yes, our girls are excited & are going to be a BIG part of the pregnancy as well. See, that's the greatest thing about the birth's a FAMILY experience!!! That is the beauty of isn't something for just parents, but for siblings as well. They can be at every appointment and experience everything we are comfortable with. I feel blessed to be able to share and teach Ashley & Madyson about a healthy pregnancy & how to maintain balance.

Here's a few quotes I thought would be fun...

"Family life is full of major and minor crises -- the ups and downs of health, success and failure in career, marriage, and divorce -- and all kinds of characters. It is tied to places and events and histories. With all of these felt details, life etches itself into memory and personality. It's difficult to imagine anything more nourishing to the soul." Thomas Moore

"Having children makes you no more a parent than having a piano makes you a pianist." Eda Levine

Monday, April 14, 2008


LOL! Just wanted to say...I LOVE OUR LIFE! The girls wake up every morning ready to face the world with their beautiful smiles. Yeah, they have their "i want to eat your face" moments, but hey, who doesn't?

Ashley is ECSTATIC about our pregnancy & Mady doesn't quite get it, but follows Ashley's lead! Today they put small beach balls under their shirts and were "pregnant." They were so cute! They took their "babies" out & traded them for dolls...then they fed, rocked, and played with them the rest of the day! Now that we are getting ready for dinner, Ashley asked if they could bring their babies to dinner...we'll see how that works out!

Matt has in-service training this week, which means he only works tonight & this weekend! We are looking forward to some quality family time & may even find something new & fun to try. I can't wait 'til November when we welcome our newest family member into our home! Even more, I am excited to see what personality he/she will throw into our mix!!! It can't be any crazier, it can just get better!!!

Some people try to rain on our parade, we won't let them. I hope everyone else is enjoying their lives as much as we are!

Friday, April 11, 2008

C'est la vie.

Busy day today! Cooking for Matt's PD colleagues...they have their firearms training today & our house is 10 minutes from the training center, so we'll be doing dinner here on their break. Matt is sleeping until around 12:30 because he worked last night & I hope its a "good day" for the girls, LOL...Wish me luck!

On a side note, lets take a vote...Who would willingly give up their entire summer break with their child to just to stop an appeal??? HAHAHAHA NOT US, that's for sure. She thinks that sending a letter offering to drop her appeal if we give her all but the first/last week of summer vacation EVERY YEAR! YEAH RIGHT! We countered by offering her another week, which would give her 5, equal to half the summer. We'll see how that goes next week sometime!

Summer vaction is family time not only for us, but our extended families as well...grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. We plan on taking trips just like any other family. So, I am sure we'll have another battle on our hands soon, but we are prepared. I wish there were another way, c'est la vie. Please pray for Ashley & our family as we navigate through yet another courtroom drama!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Weekend Update

Friday night was SO much fun! We had our Preschool Pajama Party at church. Ashley & Mady had a blast. I brought Angie with me for some back up & I am so glad I did! There were so many things to do! We made Smile Face Flower Wreaths, Visors, Picture Frames, & a Handprint Sun Hanger! We played with playdough & deorated cookies...then we all chilled on our blankets for a Bible story! To finish off the evening, we had a "Parade" with Moroccas (which we were so thankful to take home, LOL).

Saturday, Ashley’s game was cancelled. I called her mom & asked her if she’d like some extra time with her, then dropped her off at 10:30. WOW, the rest of the day was super fun, LOL. Prom dress shopping with Lindsay & Becca ALL over Greensboro in the RAIN!!! I helped them pick out some BEAUTIFUL dresses that fit them so wonderfully! I can’t wait to do their makeup & see them "all done up" with their dates!

Today has been a lounging day with the Tiny one. Right now, she’s napping, so I am taking a few minutes to catch up on my emails...Hope everyone has had a great weekend!

On the baby front...STILL no morning sickness (guess I got lucky this time). Matt thought his was over, but it revisits him often, LOL. I’ve even lost a few more pounds...yay! Ashley is constantly telling people "her baby" will be here after Halloween and before Thanksgiving! (that was the easiest way for us to explain) Madyson is beginning to understand that she can’t climb on my tummy...that just means she climbs on my legs & head now, LOL. This pregnancy really is a blessing. I have removed myself from the Drama that was infecting my life & am taking steps to keep it that way everyday! Some people think they can ruin other people’s happiness because they aren’t able to be happy. I hope they get the clue that the only person that can truly affect your happiness is yourself. LIFE IS GREAT!!!