Saturday, April 5, 2008

Weekend Update

Friday night was SO much fun! We had our Preschool Pajama Party at church. Ashley & Mady had a blast. I brought Angie with me for some back up & I am so glad I did! There were so many things to do! We made Smile Face Flower Wreaths, Visors, Picture Frames, & a Handprint Sun Hanger! We played with playdough & deorated cookies...then we all chilled on our blankets for a Bible story! To finish off the evening, we had a "Parade" with Moroccas (which we were so thankful to take home, LOL).

Saturday, Ashley’s game was cancelled. I called her mom & asked her if she’d like some extra time with her, then dropped her off at 10:30. WOW, the rest of the day was super fun, LOL. Prom dress shopping with Lindsay & Becca ALL over Greensboro in the RAIN!!! I helped them pick out some BEAUTIFUL dresses that fit them so wonderfully! I can’t wait to do their makeup & see them "all done up" with their dates!

Today has been a lounging day with the Tiny one. Right now, she’s napping, so I am taking a few minutes to catch up on my emails...Hope everyone has had a great weekend!

On the baby front...STILL no morning sickness (guess I got lucky this time). Matt thought his was over, but it revisits him often, LOL. I’ve even lost a few more pounds...yay! Ashley is constantly telling people "her baby" will be here after Halloween and before Thanksgiving! (that was the easiest way for us to explain) Madyson is beginning to understand that she can’t climb on my tummy...that just means she climbs on my legs & head now, LOL. This pregnancy really is a blessing. I have removed myself from the Drama that was infecting my life & am taking steps to keep it that way everyday! Some people think they can ruin other people’s happiness because they aren’t able to be happy. I hope they get the clue that the only person that can truly affect your happiness is yourself. LIFE IS GREAT!!!

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