Thursday, March 27, 2008


Just wanted to say...I LOVE PREGNANCY (so far, LOL)

I am sure that I will have my not-so-great moments in the days to come, but right now, all is well! By this time with Mady’s pregnancy I couldn’t keep anything down, but not this time! I am eating healthy, it’s staying in my tummy & I have even lost a little weight (awesome).

The best part, well at least the funniest, is that Matt is having "sympathy sickness" HAHAHA...he thought it was SOOO easy for me last time & couldn’t understand the naseau...he isn’t laughing so hard now. SCORE ONE for women everywhere!

Ashley is being my "big helper" and won’t let me pick anything up. She tells Mady that she has to "be easy with mommy because her baby is in her tummy." Mady still doesn’t get it and still climbs all over me of course, but I think she is starting to understand a little. Ash just wants to kiss the "baby" all the time...she even gives her "baby hugs" that we showed her how to do when we were pregnant w/Madyson...she still remembers!!!

I am so glad that both of them get to be such a big part of the pregnancy! The birth center is WONDERFUL about that! They get to go to every one of my appointments and experience everything!!! We are hoping to video most of the "big moments" w/this pregnancy! Ashley is already such a great big sister & I am sure Mady will follow right in her footsteps.

This pregnancy is SOOOOO much less stressful than Mady’s!!! No crazy boss, no crazy people, no crazy stupid termites (LOL)!!! I am going to keep it that way no matter what. I have made a promise to myself & my family that NO person, event, or thing will have an impact on our child if I choose not to let it. I am staying away from "the drama" and focusing on myself, my baby, and my family. So, if you have the "drama bug" STAY AWAY!!!

WOOHOO!!! November will NEVER get here fast enough!!!

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