Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Ashley had her first t-ball game last night in the pre-season tourney...and it ROCKED!!!

WOW, watching them practice for the last few weeks I would have never guessed they would be able to play at all...they didn’t even have uniforms yet! Boy, was I surprised! They were all so excited. It made my job as "dugout mom" pretty tough because they ALL wanted to put helmets on and grab their bats every 5 seconds, LOL. We finally got a system going...It was great!

They all batted at least twice, most three times. Ashley didn’t "technically" make it to a base (she is pretty slow), but she ran the bases to 3rd on the way home to the dugout! She wasn’t gonna let a ball in a glove stop her! favorite part was seeing ASHLEY in the catcher’s gear!!! She played "catcher" for the first 3 t-ball that just means getting the foul balls and catching the ball at home plate, but it was SUPER CUTE!!! For the second half of the game she played left field, and was a little more interested in the dirt, but she helped in a few plays.

Although they didn’t win, they could care less because they didn’t see a score ever anyway! They’ll play at least one more time because its double-elim.

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