Friday, March 21, 2008

I LOVE MY LIFE! It is funny how many times I have said that in the past few months. I am truly happy with my husband & family...we are happier than we have ever been. Of course we all have our moments, no one is perfect...Life is never "calm" around here, but I really feel that we are reaching a sense of balance.

Ashley is LOVING t-ball practice & we can’t wait for her first game. She even hit the ball into the grass at her last practice! She’s come a long way in a few weeks. We’ve also been working on some stuff for Kindergarten next year & she’s doing wonderfully. She struggles with some things, but hey, who doesn’t. She is excited that she will be going to school at "Granny’s School" (my mother-in-law, Angie, works there as a 1st grade assistant). Her counselor has been working with her every other week, which is helping dramatically. I am so glad we found her someone who is genuinely concerned.

On a side note, things with her mom have been getting better, I hope they will continue. We are trying to show her that we want what is best for Ashley & everyone else involved. That’s all we’ve ever wanted for her, the best chance at a "normal" life. She didn’t choose this, adults did, so they should have to make it right for her.

Madyson is just as wild & crazy & loving as ever!!! WOW, is all I have to say. We definitely have our hands full with her. I love to watch her play & grow, it amazes me. She has such an interesting way of thinking already. I can see the wheels turning everytime I look in her eyes. She will find a way to do whatever she wants (which doesn’t always work out for me, LOL). MadyMonkey is DEFINITELY the right nickname for her, she climbs on everything she can!

Matthew & I are so in love with each other, our lives, and our children. We can’t wait to add another one into the mix (maybe even before the end of the year)! He’s been at Ramseur PD for a year now & though there are some kinks that could be worked out, he loves his job. Even though its not much, he now has the title of "Senior Patrolman." I am loving my Mary Kay business & the women I meet/work with daily. I can’t wait for Career Conference (coming up soon) in Charlotte & then Seminar in the summer.

Love you all!!!

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