Monday, March 24, 2008

Tiny BIG News


We are so excited & can’t hold it in! Yeah, we were going to wait, but now that our family knows, why not make the general announcement.

The next (probably final) member of our family will be welcomed into our home before the end of November! The "official" date is November 24, but we’ll see how that works out!

I feel so blessed after all that has happened to be able to have this EXTRA SPECIAL joy in our lives right now.

Matt said I have to put this next part in..."It only took one try!"

LOL, he can’t wait to know the sex because he LITERALLY went by the book to have a boy! We won’t be disappointed if it isn’t, but he wants to even out the playing field in his estrogen filled home! Hopefully we can find out by our anniversary!

Our girls are SOOOO excited! Ashley is already kissing "the baby" every chance she gets. She asked if we could look at a baby magazine to pick out one we like, I almost died laughing! Madyson is a little young, so she thinks we are going to buy a baby at the store, which is super cute too!

We’ll be going to our first appointment soon, please pray that everything is as perfect as can be! YAY!!!

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