Friday, April 11, 2008

C'est la vie.

Busy day today! Cooking for Matt's PD colleagues...they have their firearms training today & our house is 10 minutes from the training center, so we'll be doing dinner here on their break. Matt is sleeping until around 12:30 because he worked last night & I hope its a "good day" for the girls, LOL...Wish me luck!

On a side note, lets take a vote...Who would willingly give up their entire summer break with their child to just to stop an appeal??? HAHAHAHA NOT US, that's for sure. She thinks that sending a letter offering to drop her appeal if we give her all but the first/last week of summer vacation EVERY YEAR! YEAH RIGHT! We countered by offering her another week, which would give her 5, equal to half the summer. We'll see how that goes next week sometime!

Summer vaction is family time not only for us, but our extended families as well...grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. We plan on taking trips just like any other family. So, I am sure we'll have another battle on our hands soon, but we are prepared. I wish there were another way, c'est la vie. Please pray for Ashley & our family as we navigate through yet another courtroom drama!

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