Thursday, December 18, 2008

Prayers Please!

Everyone, we need your prayers & thoughts for a bit. Apparently I have been exposed to Fifth's Disease (Parvo Virus B-19). I know, you're probably like WHAT IS THAT? a normal healthy non-pregnant person, it would just be a bad virus. BUT, for me, it could mean much more serious badness.

I have to have blood tests and ultrasounds, beginning Friday. If I have contracted the virus, we will have to monitor the baby weekly to check its iron levels and joints. It could cause serious anemia in our baby & he/she may have to have a blood transfusion in utero (meaning while still in me). Worse case scenario could be a miscarriage.

There is nothing we can do, except wait & watch. Pease keep our family in your thoughts & prayers. We still haven't told the girls about the pregnancy, and we'll probably wait a little longer because of this. Thanks in advance peeps, I love you all!!!

At our appt, we had our first round of bloodwork. The baby seems healthy & has a strong heartbeat. However, somehow, my glucose screening results were LOST somewhere between Labcorp and the BC last month. SOOO, long story short...I never got the call saying my glucose levels were high. Now I have to go on CHRISTMAS EVE & do a fasting 3 HOUR test!!! GRRRRRRRR!!! So, yeah...sounds fun right? Well, anyway, keep us in your thoughts & prayers. I am hoping for 5 minutes of a "normal" pregnancy at some point, LOL!

Friday, December 5, 2008

What's up?

Well, we've been a little busy lately...

We are SOOO happy to announce that the pregnancy is going SUPER! Yeah, I have been sick as a dog, but it could be much worse. I can't keep anything down. I have been living on cheese & crackers (and Claussen pickles, as cliche as that sounds).

We still haven't told the girls, but only because we don't want the crazy stalker chick (HRC) to know yet. We want to keep this to ourselves and enjoy it as long as possible before she sticks her big nose in. Plus, I want to see the look on her face when she finds out since she still believes our miscarriage was "karma for stealing her child."

We have our next appointment on Dec. 19 & I hope we'll be able to set up an ultrasound late Jan/early Feb for sex determination (fingers crossed for blue news). Also, we'll be doing a 4-D ultrasound in March to get a better look @ him/her.

Monster is LOVING Daisies! She is the only kindergartener, but fits in quite well. We are selling GIRL SCOUT COOKIES beginning December 21 (sorry, I can't take orders before then). She has a goal of 150 boxes, which sounds like a lot, but is very realistic. SO, don't be shy, send me your orders.

Dance class is going well for both girls. Mosnter isn't very fond of tap, but loves the other two styles. So, we'll know what NOT to do next year, LOL. Monkey loves it all, which is good because she'll be in a mixed class again next season.

AWANA is teaching them so much & it's wonderful to see their love for God grow and develop. Church was always my saving grace & I am happy to see my girls enjoying their spiritual journey as well.

Tonight is the Asheboro Christmas Parade, which the girls will be in w/dance, so come on out & join us. Next weekend we'll be heading up to WCU for Andrew's graduation. The next week, Monster has "Polar Express Day" @ school & we'll have our birth center appt before we leave to WV to visit my grandparents for a few days before Christmas. THEN SANTA COMES, YAY!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season & happy new year!!!