Thursday, December 18, 2008

Prayers Please!

Everyone, we need your prayers & thoughts for a bit. Apparently I have been exposed to Fifth's Disease (Parvo Virus B-19). I know, you're probably like WHAT IS THAT? a normal healthy non-pregnant person, it would just be a bad virus. BUT, for me, it could mean much more serious badness.

I have to have blood tests and ultrasounds, beginning Friday. If I have contracted the virus, we will have to monitor the baby weekly to check its iron levels and joints. It could cause serious anemia in our baby & he/she may have to have a blood transfusion in utero (meaning while still in me). Worse case scenario could be a miscarriage.

There is nothing we can do, except wait & watch. Pease keep our family in your thoughts & prayers. We still haven't told the girls about the pregnancy, and we'll probably wait a little longer because of this. Thanks in advance peeps, I love you all!!!

At our appt, we had our first round of bloodwork. The baby seems healthy & has a strong heartbeat. However, somehow, my glucose screening results were LOST somewhere between Labcorp and the BC last month. SOOO, long story short...I never got the call saying my glucose levels were high. Now I have to go on CHRISTMAS EVE & do a fasting 3 HOUR test!!! GRRRRRRRR!!! So, yeah...sounds fun right? Well, anyway, keep us in your thoughts & prayers. I am hoping for 5 minutes of a "normal" pregnancy at some point, LOL!

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