Monday, April 6, 2009

Just thought my friends would LOVE to read this! Isn't it hillarious. I would let you guys know the myspace ID it came from (and the stalker ex), but it really doesn't matter. My friends don't fight my battles. In response to “friend”, you (and anyone else) are WELCOME to stop reading my blogs any time.

"HRC's Friend's" message to me:
Hello "IMPERFECT PERFECTION" and the wonderful, untouchable person that you think you are! In regards to you blog post that apparently you want everyone to read or else you'd have your page private (like most parents with kids and all the drama you claim to have would)! You claim that HRC is the one who creates all the drama in your life but I have come to believe that someone like you feeds off of it! First of all being one of HRC's best friends I do not think very highly of the fact that you post such mean bull shit about my friend on your page almost daily! Do you feel like you have to post every part of your life bc your not important enough for someone/anyone to ask what's been going on with you? Or are you that popular in your own mind that you think the whole world gives a shit?? And in response to your blog yes MONSTER does live with you which I think was the biggest mistake ever made in a court room ever ever ever!! That little girl should be with her REAL MOMMY and not with people who have to lie about a black eye and then not only be coward enough to have to write it in a letter instead of looking a mother in her face and telling her what really happened to HER little girl but you were worried enough about what everyone else thought that you had to defend yourself on Myspace of all places to air your dirty laundry!!! And as far as calling her a HEFFER have you looked in the mirror? you make two of her and one of me put together and that's pre baby!! Watch what you say about my friend BC there are poeple right behind her instead of like yourself who has no one bc your a waste of life!! You really must be a miserable person bc the only person you have to talk to and that will listen is your keyboard and that's bc you have total control over it like you try to have with everyone else!! Well it was the highlight of my day to tell you what a turd you are wait it's only 4 in the morning I'm sure something better than you has got to happen today if not I'd be as lonley as you!! I can't wait to see what you have to blog about now!! I'd love to tell you what a wonderful great person, mother, and wife you are but I'd be lying like the reason for MONSTER's black eye!! I hope you treat your other kids better than you do her or do you just have them brain washed as well? Ok well I have much better things to do bye bye love!!

My reply:

"Daily? I post about her daily? WOW! That’s great for her, considering I post blogs once or twice a week. I wonder how often she checks my page in her copious amounts of spare time.

I post to my blog because I have friends all over the country. I grew up in CA & am still friends with people I have known my entire life. I have plenty of people to talk to in person, but thanks for your concern. By the way, were you trying to threaten me with the “watch out” comment?

As to my weight, I have nothing to prove. Pre-baby I was a very happy and healthy 190 and have only gained 14 lbs. So, unless she is 45 lbs. & you a mere 90, then no, I am not two of her plus one of you. But thanks.

WOW, as to the "black eye" anyone who wants to see a picture of it can email me. I have pics of her face ALL day at her Easter party @ school. We didn’t try to hide it. The only reason we sent HRC an email about OUR little girl is because we didn’t want to sit in the parking lot talking to her at the exchange, especially with the way it has been raining lately. We don't need to lie. It was an accident and we don't have to account to HRC or anyone else. If she has a problem, she can call social services and take the pictures she took in her mother-in-law’s bathroom to report it. Let them investigate yet another FALSE claim by her and further prove what a psycho she is. (isn't that the most HORRIBLE "black eye"....riiiiiiight)

Monster is right where she is supposed to be. No other explanation necessary. There are 36 cited reasons (and countless others) in the order as to why she is here with us. You weren’t even there. She is with her Daddy & Mommy here just as much as she is with her Mommy & Daddy when she is with them. So, if she wants to talk “real” then we’ll talk who is REALLY here for Monster. That’s right, Matt & myself.

Let me just say, THANKS for being the highlight of your morning. At 4 am, I was sleeping because I have a beautiful kindergartner & a gorgeous 3 yr old to be with in the morning as well as a growing girl to keep healthy. I was not worrying about my best friend’s ex-husband’s wife’s blog. Who’s the one without a life? Shouldn’t you be worrying with your baby girl, not me? Maybe you should spend some time with a dictionary & thesarus as well as fixing your run-on sentences and grammatical errors.

My husband will be contacting HRC regarding any issues as well as our attorney & I will be blocking you. Have a great day."

So, um, yeah - can you say crazy?  This is only a small snapshot of what we deal with daily.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

WOW! Busy weekend for sure, but wondermous!

Thursday was Monster's school dance. (She almost didn't get to go because of some classwork being unfinished, but we worked hard!) Let me just say...AWW, how cute! Those K-2 kids dance more than the middle schoolers. I was in charge of taking pics for PTO & Matt danced with his girls. PRECIOUS!

Then I had my MK meeting later that night. WOO HOO! It was great to see "my girlz" and have some me time. When I got home, Monster was laying in my bed with ice on her face & I could've killed Matt. Apparently, Monster thought that playing in my makeup would be a "good choice." When he went to check on her after her shower, she was covered in it. He had no clue what was all over her and she wouldn't tell him. She tried to "escape" (LOL) and hide her face, and his hand/ebow came straight across her left eye/cheek. OMGosh, she had a pretty good bruise. (of course, this weekend HRC told her it was on puropse because daddy is mean...whatever crazy heiffer...if you have to tear down Matt to make yourself feel better, go ahead, we know the truth. That's why she lives HERE thank you very much!)

Friday, I was with Monster's class all day. They had Easter crafts, pizza, and an egg hunt. Those kids were like crazy little animals, but it was so much fun!

Monkey spent the night w/Granny & Matt was working, so I enjoyed some quiet time alone! It was nice to have some "morning time" with Matt when he got home too.

Both girls had games Saturday. They had a blast & did so well! Matt's parents & Steven were able to make Andrew & Brittany came in from Franklin! They had their own little cheering section.

Monster hit from the first two pitches EVERY time! Not so bad for only having 2 practices because of rain! She still kinda skips from base to base, but at least its a faster skip this year, LOL. Although, it wouldn't really matter. There aren't "winners" in their age groups this year. It makes the games even more fun to watch. No screaming parents, no one trying to fight over an out, the kids just have fun & play ball. Now, I'm not one of those parents who thinks "everyone should win." I think a little competition is GREAT for kids. However, kids ages 3-6 should be given the opportunity to really LEARN and enjoy ball before they have to worry about scoring.

Monkey was too cute, as always! She doesn't hit very far, but runs like a tasmanian devil! We like to call it "bunting." LOL She wasn't catching any balls, but she FINALLY decided that ONE BALL was going to be hers. She actually elbowed a boy twice her size when he tried to get in front of her for it! No, it wasn't ok, but it was hillarious. Even the boy's mom was yelling "You get that ball Monkeygirl." She's definitely not one to be pushed around (that's my girl!) Now, if I can find a way to make her hat fit without it giving her an egghead.

Of course, there couldn't be one day without drama.  HRC had to mark her territory with Monster's AWANA teacher, of all people. I mean, this woman has known Ashley (and us) for almost 4 years and she was just saying hi. All Monster did was ask if her teacher had seen us. When the teacher said she hadn't seen her "mommy and daddy" I guess  HRC  felt that she needed to make sure that she KNEW that Monster was HERS, not mine, in a pretty rude way.

But, the sad part is that the AWANA teacher already knew. Most people do. Ya see, we don't hide the fact that Ashley is not my biological child like she thinks we do. (especially when she looks like she did Staurday...OMG, comb your child's hair and put clean socks of her own - not your dirty ones - on her....gross!) How else would we explain to her church teachers that she isn't there every other Sunday? We just leave her at home??? RIIIIGHT!

Monster even asked "mommy, why was "HRC" so mean to Mrs.X? I like having two mommies and two daddies. isn't that ok?" Isn't that sad? She is such a smart girl & I can't wait to see when the lightbulb finally clicks and she speaks her mind freely. I'm sure we're all in for an earfull! (and just a sidenote...what do you think the crazy heiffer who SWEARS she gave up smoking because it is "bad" and Monster has allergies was doing when we walked up...YEP, that's right, puff puff puffaroo! What a GREAT example for your children.

Enough of that (smacks hand)...

Today was the White's Memorial Community Egg Hunt & it was a perfect day for it! I'm sure I got more sun than I needed, but it was better than the rain we've had the last two years. Monkey got about 8 prize eggs. She picked out a basket for herself & then asked if she could get one for Monster & Beast. She also picked out games and toys that she & Monster could share. (isn't that sweet...I am so proud of her!) We won't have Monster for Easter this year, but I'm sure the Easter Bunny will leave her basket filled to the top just like the rest of ours as he always does.

Beast has been especially active this week. I LOVE IT, but I wish she'd pick better times. Thanks for the comments & messages about her 4-D scan! If you haven't seen them, check them out! It is amazing how clear they are!

Hope everyone has a great week! I know we will. Matt took Wednesday & Thursday night off, so he'll be off ALL WEEK!

See ya later alligators!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Today is Wednesday!

Today is Wednesday, Today is Wednesday, Wednesday ZOOOP, Tuesday Spaghetti, Monday String Beans, All you hungyry children come & eat it up, come & eat it up, COME & EAT IT UUUUUUUUUUUUP! LOL, anyone ever read Eric Carle's Today is Monday? It's a great book, but an even better song! Anyway, thought I'd fill everyone in on the latest.

We had our BC appt Thursday.  The Beast is growing right on schedule. Monster helped our midwife use the doppler to find her heartbeat. Monkey was still a little unsure, she always thinks it hurts me. I love our BC & can't imagine pre-natal care or delivery any other way. It is the best to be be able to share every moment we choose to with our family.

Then, Friday...(drumroll) WE HAD OUR 4-D SCAN! WOW! That's all I can say...yeah right! It was amazing, beautiful, and magical. I thought that everyone else would be in another room, but their viewing area was in there with me! So Monkey sat by my head and Monster had to be right by my tummy watching every move. She even tried to "help" the tech on the computer (oops). Monkey kept laughing and saying "Mommy look, its baby Beast and she's so tiny, I LOVE HER" & it really helped her connect!  Monster was laughing and jumping around. She even sang her a song to get her moving a little better. (Beast already loves music!) my mother in law cried, of course. They all want me to have her now, but I think we'll wait a little while longer (hopefully).

Beast cooperated SO well. I had to reposition a few times to get her to turn her face toward us, but the images were as clear as they could be! I guess all that H2O I had to drink really helped. She smiled, she sucked her fingers (and toes), and she even WAVED! The funniest thing was when she used her hands to cover her face when she was "done." I can't WAIT to meet her in person! I think she's going to round out our household perfectly! Of course, we'll have to build Matt a "man hut" in a few years to escape to, but he's loving every minute of his dress wearing, princess loving, pink and purple little girls' lives!

Of course, it rained ALL week, so the girls games were cancelled last Saturday (BOO), but they still had their pics taken. They were sooo cute! Their games were rescheduled for THIS Saturday, so we'll be out all afternoon. OMGosh, Monkey's shirt is ginormous on her. I hope I can shrink it a little. She's the only girl on her team & is spoiled by the other mom's. They fawn all over her & her pink equipment, LOL!!!

Sunday afternoon & all day Monday, I cleaned & organized! The girls even helped. Mosnter is obsessed with helping me out right now. I don't know who is "nesting" more, me or her! She has made it her job to help me with all the laundry. I think she'd do it herself if she could reach in the wash machine. She learned how to pair socks & I thought she was going to cry when they were all done. I know that one day I'll be forcing her to do it, so I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

We put all the fall/winter clothes in totes in the attic, went through all the Spring/Summer totes to see what fits who this year, and then came the fun part: THE BABY TOTE!!! WOOHOO! So bittersweet. I have thouroughly enjoyed this pregnancy & don't want to end the closeness I feel w/Beast. At the same time, I can't wait for her to be here in our lives so I can share her with the world!

I can't believe it, but Mosnter will be SIX in a month! Where has time gone? It seems like just yesterday I was meeting her for the first time @ Steven's basketball game. She was only 6 months old. She has grown into such a smart & beautiful little girl. While I know I didn't create her physically, I have shaped her in many other ways. We are so proud of her and and can't wait to see what she brings to the world in the future! She decided that she wanted a special "big girl" party with about five of her friends this year instead of a big "family" party. So, she'll have her party with friends. Then we'll be have a small family dinner for us & grandparents on her actual bday.

Hope everyone has a great week! I'll catch ya later...XOXO