Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Today is Wednesday!

Today is Wednesday, Today is Wednesday, Wednesday ZOOOP, Tuesday Spaghetti, Monday String Beans, All you hungyry children come & eat it up, come & eat it up, COME & EAT IT UUUUUUUUUUUUP! LOL, anyone ever read Eric Carle's Today is Monday? It's a great book, but an even better song! Anyway, thought I'd fill everyone in on the latest.

We had our BC appt Thursday.  The Beast is growing right on schedule. Monster helped our midwife use the doppler to find her heartbeat. Monkey was still a little unsure, she always thinks it hurts me. I love our BC & can't imagine pre-natal care or delivery any other way. It is the best to be be able to share every moment we choose to with our family.

Then, Friday...(drumroll) WE HAD OUR 4-D SCAN! WOW! That's all I can say...yeah right! It was amazing, beautiful, and magical. I thought that everyone else would be in another room, but their viewing area was in there with me! So Monkey sat by my head and Monster had to be right by my tummy watching every move. She even tried to "help" the tech on the computer (oops). Monkey kept laughing and saying "Mommy look, its baby Beast and she's so tiny, I LOVE HER" & it really helped her connect!  Monster was laughing and jumping around. She even sang her a song to get her moving a little better. (Beast already loves music!) my mother in law cried, of course. They all want me to have her now, but I think we'll wait a little while longer (hopefully).

Beast cooperated SO well. I had to reposition a few times to get her to turn her face toward us, but the images were as clear as they could be! I guess all that H2O I had to drink really helped. She smiled, she sucked her fingers (and toes), and she even WAVED! The funniest thing was when she used her hands to cover her face when she was "done." I can't WAIT to meet her in person! I think she's going to round out our household perfectly! Of course, we'll have to build Matt a "man hut" in a few years to escape to, but he's loving every minute of his dress wearing, princess loving, pink and purple little girls' lives!

Of course, it rained ALL week, so the girls games were cancelled last Saturday (BOO), but they still had their pics taken. They were sooo cute! Their games were rescheduled for THIS Saturday, so we'll be out all afternoon. OMGosh, Monkey's shirt is ginormous on her. I hope I can shrink it a little. She's the only girl on her team & is spoiled by the other mom's. They fawn all over her & her pink equipment, LOL!!!

Sunday afternoon & all day Monday, I cleaned & organized! The girls even helped. Mosnter is obsessed with helping me out right now. I don't know who is "nesting" more, me or her! She has made it her job to help me with all the laundry. I think she'd do it herself if she could reach in the wash machine. She learned how to pair socks & I thought she was going to cry when they were all done. I know that one day I'll be forcing her to do it, so I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

We put all the fall/winter clothes in totes in the attic, went through all the Spring/Summer totes to see what fits who this year, and then came the fun part: THE BABY TOTE!!! WOOHOO! So bittersweet. I have thouroughly enjoyed this pregnancy & don't want to end the closeness I feel w/Beast. At the same time, I can't wait for her to be here in our lives so I can share her with the world!

I can't believe it, but Mosnter will be SIX in a month! Where has time gone? It seems like just yesterday I was meeting her for the first time @ Steven's basketball game. She was only 6 months old. She has grown into such a smart & beautiful little girl. While I know I didn't create her physically, I have shaped her in many other ways. We are so proud of her and and can't wait to see what she brings to the world in the future! She decided that she wanted a special "big girl" party with about five of her friends this year instead of a big "family" party. So, she'll have her party with friends. Then we'll be have a small family dinner for us & grandparents on her actual bday.

Hope everyone has a great week! I'll catch ya later...XOXO

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