Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

WOW! Busy weekend for sure, but wondermous!

Thursday was Monster's school dance. (She almost didn't get to go because of some classwork being unfinished, but we worked hard!) Let me just say...AWW, how cute! Those K-2 kids dance more than the middle schoolers. I was in charge of taking pics for PTO & Matt danced with his girls. PRECIOUS!

Then I had my MK meeting later that night. WOO HOO! It was great to see "my girlz" and have some me time. When I got home, Monster was laying in my bed with ice on her face & I could've killed Matt. Apparently, Monster thought that playing in my makeup would be a "good choice." When he went to check on her after her shower, she was covered in it. He had no clue what was all over her and she wouldn't tell him. She tried to "escape" (LOL) and hide her face, and his hand/ebow came straight across her left eye/cheek. OMGosh, she had a pretty good bruise. (of course, this weekend HRC told her it was on puropse because daddy is mean...whatever crazy heiffer...if you have to tear down Matt to make yourself feel better, go ahead, we know the truth. That's why she lives HERE thank you very much!)

Friday, I was with Monster's class all day. They had Easter crafts, pizza, and an egg hunt. Those kids were like crazy little animals, but it was so much fun!

Monkey spent the night w/Granny & Matt was working, so I enjoyed some quiet time alone! It was nice to have some "morning time" with Matt when he got home too.

Both girls had games Saturday. They had a blast & did so well! Matt's parents & Steven were able to make Andrew & Brittany came in from Franklin! They had their own little cheering section.

Monster hit from the first two pitches EVERY time! Not so bad for only having 2 practices because of rain! She still kinda skips from base to base, but at least its a faster skip this year, LOL. Although, it wouldn't really matter. There aren't "winners" in their age groups this year. It makes the games even more fun to watch. No screaming parents, no one trying to fight over an out, the kids just have fun & play ball. Now, I'm not one of those parents who thinks "everyone should win." I think a little competition is GREAT for kids. However, kids ages 3-6 should be given the opportunity to really LEARN and enjoy ball before they have to worry about scoring.

Monkey was too cute, as always! She doesn't hit very far, but runs like a tasmanian devil! We like to call it "bunting." LOL She wasn't catching any balls, but she FINALLY decided that ONE BALL was going to be hers. She actually elbowed a boy twice her size when he tried to get in front of her for it! No, it wasn't ok, but it was hillarious. Even the boy's mom was yelling "You get that ball Monkeygirl." She's definitely not one to be pushed around (that's my girl!) Now, if I can find a way to make her hat fit without it giving her an egghead.

Of course, there couldn't be one day without drama.  HRC had to mark her territory with Monster's AWANA teacher, of all people. I mean, this woman has known Ashley (and us) for almost 4 years and she was just saying hi. All Monster did was ask if her teacher had seen us. When the teacher said she hadn't seen her "mommy and daddy" I guess  HRC  felt that she needed to make sure that she KNEW that Monster was HERS, not mine, in a pretty rude way.

But, the sad part is that the AWANA teacher already knew. Most people do. Ya see, we don't hide the fact that Ashley is not my biological child like she thinks we do. (especially when she looks like she did Staurday...OMG, comb your child's hair and put clean socks of her own - not your dirty ones - on her....gross!) How else would we explain to her church teachers that she isn't there every other Sunday? We just leave her at home??? RIIIIGHT!

Monster even asked "mommy, why was "HRC" so mean to Mrs.X? I like having two mommies and two daddies. isn't that ok?" Isn't that sad? She is such a smart girl & I can't wait to see when the lightbulb finally clicks and she speaks her mind freely. I'm sure we're all in for an earfull! (and just a sidenote...what do you think the crazy heiffer who SWEARS she gave up smoking because it is "bad" and Monster has allergies was doing when we walked up...YEP, that's right, puff puff puffaroo! What a GREAT example for your children.

Enough of that (smacks hand)...

Today was the White's Memorial Community Egg Hunt & it was a perfect day for it! I'm sure I got more sun than I needed, but it was better than the rain we've had the last two years. Monkey got about 8 prize eggs. She picked out a basket for herself & then asked if she could get one for Monster & Beast. She also picked out games and toys that she & Monster could share. (isn't that sweet...I am so proud of her!) We won't have Monster for Easter this year, but I'm sure the Easter Bunny will leave her basket filled to the top just like the rest of ours as he always does.

Beast has been especially active this week. I LOVE IT, but I wish she'd pick better times. Thanks for the comments & messages about her 4-D scan! If you haven't seen them, check them out! It is amazing how clear they are!

Hope everyone has a great week! I know we will. Matt took Wednesday & Thursday night off, so he'll be off ALL WEEK!

See ya later alligators!

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