Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Midsummer's Update

Hey everyone! We've been so busy lately, but I finally have a little "downtime" while Beast sleeps & Matt spends some daddy/daughter time with Monster & monkey!

Here's a little update:

Monster LOVED kindergarten, but is ready for FIRST GRADE which will start in about a month. She'll even be going to her first sleep-away camp for 4 days in August with our church. I can't believe how much she's grown this year in every way! She is 4 ft tall, can READ (OMG), write stories, and so much more! Daisies has stretched her imagination, brought her out of her shell, and made her so much more confident. Her Faith in God is growing in leaps & bounds. In fact, we just presented her with her first "big girl" Bible! It is a "princess" Bible (daughter of the King) which is magenta & has her name & a tiny butterfly embossed on it (both silver). Matt, myself, and her grandparents each wrote her a short message in it. We talked about the importance of a Bible and how we need to respect it. She can't wait to take it (and her "2 new swimsuits") to camp!

Monkey is now 4! She has more attitude than me (which I didn't believe was possible, LOL) and isn't afraid to speak her mind. Be careful what you wish for peeps! HaHa-she's wonderful! She is still small, but you'd never guess that through her actions & words. She thinks she is "all grown up" and refuses to be "babied." I'm thankful for that, but I wish she'd let us do a little more for a little longer. I hate to see her grow up so quickly. She'll be starting preschool this fall. Three half days per week will give her some structure & me a little one-on-one time with Kamrynn (or some time for my job as PTA secretary). I'll miss her, but it will be good for both of us!

Beast is growing like I can't believe! She's already holding her head up on her own, scooting around, and has so many pre-verbal cues! She is finally out of newborn diapers & may be up to 8 lbs. We'll see at her next appt! She has the most intoxicating little giggle (even in her sleep) and she smiles so brightly! She is a VERY healthy eater. So much that I have trouble keeping up with her sometimes, LOL. Her sisters are so great with her. They even argue over whose turn it is to help, even if it is just to get a wipe out of the container! I love to watch how they smile at her with love in their eyes & Beast's reaction is priceless!

Matt & I celebrated our four year wedding anniversary in July & I couldn't believe it. At times, it feels like we've been together forever. Then others, its like it was just yesterday we were spending a few cold October hours in IHOP after an ERHS football game just catching up. I love him more everyday. "Life" has definitely gotten in the way sometimes, but we've learned how to push things out of our minds & just BE when we are together. I can't imagine life without him & my girls. I am so thankful that the roads we took (no matter how hard & how wrong they seemed at the time) led us to where we are now. Our decisions have made us who we are & I wouldn't change one!

I hope everyone is having a great summer!

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