Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dear Angie

Dear Angie,

I just wanted to share with you & everyone else how much I appreciate everything you do for me. Not many women can say that their mother in law is truly one of their best friends. I am blessed to have you in my life. I never knew that by marrying my husband I would be gaining such a wonderful family.

You’ve not only welcomed me into your home, but your heart over the last 6 years. You’ve been here for Matthew and our girls of course, but you’ve had plenty of love and time for me as well. I never have to wonder if you love me or if you’re just putting up with me. I mean, how many Mother-in-Laws will go to a midnight showing of a teenie bopper movie about vampires just to spend time with their son’s wife? Or, let their daughter-in-law host every family event just because she is OCD and has to do it “her way” or the world will end? LOL

I know that you love me for me…even the parts of myself that I find hard to love sometimes. You are one of the reasons I am so committed to rededicating my life to the Lord. I know Matt & I have a long journey not only separately, but together, to be where we both want to be spiritually, but we will get there. Thank you so much for NOT letting it be “ok.”

You were there with me when I found out Matt & I were probably having TWINS. You listened to the heartbeat and fell in love! Then, you were there with me later that week when we lost them. You didn’t have to go through that with me, but you chose to. I really couldn’t have done that without your support.

On that note, thank you for being GRANNY to our girls. So many grandparents aren’t able to have the kind of relationship you share with our girls. We’ve never had to leave our children with a stranger or pay for a babysitter. I never have to worry about my children while they are with you. I know that you’re not only capable of caring for them, but that you would never do anything to contradict our parenting choices. In fact, I know that you listen to my requests and take them to heart.

I am SO proud of you for choosing to have the surgery you did. CONGRATULATIONS ON LOSING 40 POUNDS SO FAR!!! You deserve every bit of praise that will come your way. I know it was not an easy decision. It is a major life change for you and I will support you 10000% in your journey. Of course, I want you around for our girls (and whoever else may come along), but also for me!

When others have tried to get the best of me, you remind me that while I may not be perfect, I am the perfect wife to Matthew & mommy to our three beautiful girls. I am proud to be your favorite daughter-in-law. (yes, I know I am your only one right now, but I’ll GLADLY share the title of “co-favorite” with Brittany one day!!!) I LOVE YOU!

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