Friday, January 22, 2010

So, Disney World was SUPERFANTASTICAWESOME! LOL Yep, that's the only word to describe it. It was definitely too short though, so next trip will have to be a few days longer! Short version: Left Fri evening, stayed through Wednesday morn. We rode rides, saw shows (even participated in a couple!), got turned into beautiful princesses, and had some yummy meals. If you're ever planning a trip to WDW, do the meal plan. It is definitely worth it. We had NO meals under $75 (most were well over $100) but each one only cost an average of $35 with the plan.

The girls picked out some pretty cool souvenirs. Of course, Monster picked out "Pirate Princess" ears & Monkey had to have fuzzy ears made of the brightest pink I have ever seen! I chose an aqua Tinkerbell set, while Hubby stuck with classic black Mickey. I also picked up some STITCH hands, yep STITCH, to play with Beast. Oh, and of course we started the girls trading pin collections! Monster even traded for a limited edition Cinderella cast part pin (1 of only 1500!).  Monkey of course collected Ariels.

Most of you have already checked out the awesome pics (and some of the sillier ones too) and commented, so thanks! The girls had a great time, Hubby & I LOVED it, & Steven brought his girlfriend along too. It was SOOOOO much fun & we made some lifelong memories. Lots of firsts and many WE HAVE TO DO THIS AGAIN moments. I swear, if I hear "YOU ARE THE BESTEST MOMMY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD" or "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU PICKED ALL THESE SPECIAL THINGS FOR US" one more time, I may scream. LOL

It was definitely a trip to remember. I was sad to leave Beast behind, but I knew there was NO WAY a 7 month old would enjoy being in a stroller or carrier all day. Plus, Monster & Monkey couldn't have had as much fun either; especially staying @ Magic Kingdom until 2am (after a afternoon nap of course) for extra magic hours. That was definitely lines, just pure roller coaster fun! I feel like Beast grew a foot and learned a few things while we were away. She is DEFINITELY going next time! I can't wait to get her first set of tiny pink ears!!!

Then, to top it off, we took Angie to get some highlights as a "thanks for keeping my tiny monster safe, happy, and loved while we were away" gift & Monster wanted some too! So, I talked to Hubby & he said sure, why not. They're all natural products, Nita's great with her, and it's her hair (as long as she doesn't want to dye it all or shave it!). LOL! I'm just not big on things like that. I don't need to "dye my grays" or anything like that like some people. I like the color God gave me, but Monster wanted me to try them. So, I guess they'll be in for a while and then fade into the rest of my hair eventually. No big deal. Now Monster & I have matching caramel highlights, WOOHOO! SUPER CUTE!

Of course, I am sure there will be some BMD from it, but oh well. When isn't there, right? I just hope she doesn't take it out on Monster & make her feel bad about them. She was so excited. She felt so grown up & proud. I'm sure its going to be hard enough on her to try not to be excited from WDW still. You just can't make some people happy, especially when they aren't happy in their own lives. Its ok though, Monster is such a bright girl, she'll learn how to adust someday. I just wish she could just be a kid & not have to have anxiety over whether something she chooses is going to upset the balance.

Of course she or one of her minions is probably going to read and print this "to use in court." All I can say to that, is PLEASE DO! How dare we have a normal happy family. How dare I love Monster and care for her like my own. There should be a law against that. I can't wait to put the facts in front of a judge. No need for lies on our end, the truth will speak much louder. Does she really think that lying on court documents is a good idea? She actually thinks that she can LIE and say we're making her meet us in Apex when the GRANDMA is picking up Monster IN ASHEBORO! WOW. AAAAAND BREATHE Done with all that, back to the calmness & serenity. HAHAHA

So much is changing around here & I love it! Hope everyone had a great week & here's to a wonderful weekend! HAKUNA MATATA! ;)

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