Monday, February 13, 2012


Wow, 2011 flew by and so have the last two months! We're excited & change is a beautiful thing. We're working on a few BIG changes & enjoying life. As soon as the dust settles, I'll let you in on the secrets.

Monster & Monkey are loving home school. Time with daddy in the morning, school, then afternoon activities. What could be more perfect?

I am adopting Monster & the process is taking a little longer than we expected, but nothing crazy. She even chose to change her middle name. She is growing into such a smart & beautiful girl. Her personalities have finally "merged" and we are getting to know the "real Monster." I am SO proud of her for the way she is handling everything, expressing herself, and holding on to her love for her sister and brother she had to leave behind. She knows that one day they will have the opportunity to meet her again and know that she has never given up on loving them.

Monkey is still my handful! She is full of energy and never afraid to tell you how she feels - even if that includes a raging fit. We're still working on those. ;) I can't wait to see what God uses her unending energy and relentless tenacity for. At the moment, her career choice is "Missionary Dentist." I have no idea if she'll end up doing that, but she would be PERFECT for it! She can memorize Scripture like you wouldn't believe & can recall it at a moment's notice. Does she understand it? Of course!

Beast, wow, where do I begin?! She is HILARIOUS! Not a moment goes by that I am not laughing at something she has said or done. She is a 15 year old stuck in a 18 month old body - and she is really going on three! Her fiery personality is going to take her many places as long as we can channel it for good. LOL Don't let her small size lull you into a false sense of security - she is a giant! She will tell you she is not a baby, she's a Beast. I have to agree, there is no other word for her!

Matt & I are finally (after 8 years) finding an "us" that works well. We laugh, we cry, we love. There was a time where I would have thought I was CRAZY for staying with him because of what "life" tried to force between us. I have to say, I am glad we never let it break us. Sure, there were moments we wanted to call it quits because it was the "easy" thing to do. But, then again, I have never wanted easy. The crooked road has always been my friend. We'll never be done working toward a better "us" because our family and our needs are constantly changing. Anyone that says they don't need to work, well, good luck with that. :)

So, I guess that's it for now. Peace, love, & chicken grease!

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