Wednesday, October 1, 2008


We had our first appt today @ the birth center. I was a little uneasy, but not too bad. So far, everything seems fine. My progesterone levels are a little low, but we're getting that under control. I hate not feeling like I can tell "everyone" (especially the girls) but it's just easier this way, just in case. We are so blessed to have two beautiful girls, so whatever happens we are ok with God's plan. We have a due date of May 25, which is kind of ironic. Also, one of the benefits of this pregnancy is EXTRA ULTRASOUNDS! Our midwife wants to keep a close watch on growth & development this time. Our next appt is at 12 weeks (Nov. 12). I had a choice of an 8-10 week visit, but delclined. I know it sounds silly, but I just wanted to wait until after "that point" for my own personal issues. Other than feeling extremely tired & nauseated 24/7, I feel great! My girls know something is up, but they just think I'm sick, LOL. With everything that has happened since May, I have accepted that our miscarriage really was for the best, in the practical non-emotional sense. The past few months have been hard for a variety of reasons, none of which would have been any easier with a newborn.

It just goes to show that God does have a purpose, we just have to be willing to accept his will and see it for what it really is. He may have closed a door, but he opened a window. Ok, enough of the "chicken soup" sayings, LOL. WE ARE SOOO EXCITED & I can't wait until we know more!

Ok, so this is why we wanted to wait to tell everyone...the BC called & we have to set up an "urgent" ultrasound @ UNC. Apparently, my progesterone levels are low (DUH, we knew that). They want to make sure the pregnancy is progressing normally (or at least developing at a "normal" rate for me) before we decide what kind of action to take...Since this is only a diary post right now, there is no point in asking for thoughts/prayers I guess,'s hoping...
YAY! Ultrasound went perfectly! Only "issue" is that the baby is measuring about 8 days younger that what it should be...but, so is the gestational sac, so it's perfect. THAT is why the Hcg levels were a little low! My midwife & I are going to discuss changing my due date. That is a pretty big deal...if you don't know, due dates are pretty much set in stone once they give them to you, unless something like this happens. I'd like to keep the same due date, or only adjust it a tiny bit. That way, if this one comes earlier than 37 weeks, I will still be able to deliver at the Birth Center. We even got pics, which are up in the GUESS WHAT folder! Matt is super excited because the hearbeat is in the 120s. (for those who don't know, boys usually have lower heartbeats...Mady was usually 160-180)
BUT, since we are still in the first trimester, the heartbeat will be a little slower anyway. So, of course, he isn't getting his hopes up, but I think secretly he has his fingers crossed for some blue news this Christmas. Well, now we have to play the waiting game until our November 12 appointment to see how we are progressing. We appreciate all your thoughts, prayers, and well wishes. THANKS!!!

Thank you guys & gals for all your thoughts and prayers. Everything on the baby front seems to have calmed down FINALLY!!!
1. I am immune to Fifth's disease (yay, score one for my crazy body)
2. The extended glucose screening went super! Apparently the first test was just an abnormality. (with me? NO WAY, LOL)
3. Our tinyasaurus has started moving around!!! Of course, no one can feel it yet but's still a great sign!
4. I have actually lost about 5 lbs (sorry if you've found them, LOL). Our midwives are not concerned about the early weight loss, but they are still watching my diet like little hawks.
5. I am starting to keep food down, YAY!
6. Our next appt will be Jan 16 @ 9:30 am, to be shortly followed by another ULTRASOUND at 10:30

YAY, we are 26 weeks & there's less than 100 days to go! WOW, I can't wait!!! We've been shopping, buying a crib, and getting ur house "baby ready" again. Kamrynn will DEFINITELY not be naked, LOL. We are so blessed to be adding her to our family & I am SO excited to be meeting her soon. In fact, we've scehculed our 4-D ultrasound for March 27 @ 11 am. We'll even be able to see her tiny little face & start arguing over who she looks like, LOL!

 Monster & Monkeyare super excited. The girls are watching the childbirth videos and we're talking about all the sounds they'll hear. We still haven't decided if we're going to let Mady stay in the room & we proabably won't know until the day of & we see her reactions. Monster decided for her self that she IS going to be there because "Kamrynn is HER baby sister and she wants to see her when shis is just born." She is sooo funny sometimes.

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