Thursday, August 28, 2008

Tornado Warning?!

Ok, so was superfun (not)!

Everyone in NC knows that in our area today there have been non-stop thunderstorms, tornado warnings, and flash floods.  So, of course we have a busy day. Monster had her counselor, Mady had a DR. appt, I was babysitting & had to pick up her other two kids after school...

See, what had happened was..

I was babysitting for a friend.  Her nap went a little long but I had to pick up Monster.  As I put her car seat in, my shoes got SOAKED from the 5 inches of water in our carport. So, since we live like a mile from school, I decided I'd just drive barefoot because I wasn't getting out...yep, that so didn't work out. I pulled into the drive and noticed all the parents were parking in the traffic circle and walking to the gym. Turns out that the school was on lock down because of the tornado that had touched down like 5 miles away. EVERYONE that came onto campus had to go to the gym for over a half hour...did I mention I had two small children w/me & NO SHOES ON. GREAT!!! Yep. I looked like the classic redneck "trashy mom." LOL THANK GOD everyone there knows me anyway but, then again, I won't EVER live it down!

Monster's counsleor went fine. She is very proud of how much progress she is making. We will just have to keep doing "damage control" as she calls it for a while. Monkey is STILL running a fever. She is still whining about the world being round, the grass being green, and everything else that she can think of! So, she had an appt w/her doc at 1:45. NOTHING IS WRONG (that they can find)...except her "fever disorder." So, now we have to keep a "fever log" for a while, then take her to a diagnostician (like HOUSE, really). Yeah. Uh huh, super. YAY.

So, now we have finished a yummy dinner, Matt is working, and I am putting the girls to bed...then, it is SOOOO time for a relaxing bubble bath!!! Have a great night everyone...Love ya!
-Super K

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