Thursday, August 14, 2008

Trying hard!

Ok, all know how HARD we have been trying to do the right thing for does not get easier over time. No matter how hard we try, it is just too much to ask for a drama-free week.

Why is it our fault that we called Monster when her mom was expecting a call?  It's only happened twice, but now we are "doing it every time we call."  We are not psychic. How can we know that at the EXACT moment we call she was expecting a call from Korea, especially since it was two different times.  If you don't want us calling at a certain time, you have to tell us a better time.  BUT NOOOO - that is "intruding."

Also, when it did happen, instead of saying "I am expecting a phone call. Would you mind calling her back?"  She hands the phone to Monster & just throws a fit in the background saying "those jerks. they know I am waiting to her from him in Korea and he only gets to talk for 10 minutes. (blah blah blah)"   So, we just told Monster that we would call her back later and hung up. When Matt called back later to speak with HRC and arrange a time, she yelled at him. All he was trying to do was get a better time to call her back.

I didn't know that so much had to encircle a 5-10 minute phone call to a 5 year old. I understand that her mom is stressed. I would be too with all that has gone on in her life. But that doesn't give her the right to attack us for calling at a "bad time." A simple, polite "can you call back later" and a time would have been so much easier.

It's ok. We'll call her back this afternoon. It could really be so much easier by just using common courtesy. We will just chalk this up to a crazy moment & move on.

Ok, I'm Have a great day!

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