Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Just an update for my faithful friends. We're superawesomewonderful (yep). Melanie took some outdoor photos of the girls yesterday in Liberty (just before the ginormous storm) & I think we'll definitely have some cute ones! Of course, a mosquito attacked Monkey's arm just before the shoot. Seriously, like 8 bites in 1 minute!

Monster received her progress report for shcool & I was right, she is doing AWESOME. Her reading is actually 2 levels abouve where they expect a "beginning 1st grader" to be! I am so glad she loves reading! She needs to be seperated from classmates for some work, but it really helps her focus. I would MUCH rather she have her own desk than be on meds!

Monkey still loves preschool (yay!) and has only "moved her mouse" a couple of times, mostly for talking during circle time. Hmm, no clue where she gets that! SHe can count to 30, knows ll her letters, can WRITE HER NAME with proper upper/lower case, and can even READ SOME WORDS! She wishes she could go every day, just like her big sissy. (I do too sometimes, lol) I do miss her though; it's too quiet around here when she's gone.

Beast, WOW, where do I start?! She is just too big to be so small! She's a whopping (lol) 11 lbs, 3 oz & 24 in long. She's eating more food, pushing herself to a sitting position, crawling a little (well, its more of a scoot), and LOVES to talk! She'll even repeat a few sounds like "ma" "da" and "ka" when you say them to her!!! Her pediatrician says she's actually more on the level of a 6-8 month old! HOLY COW!

I am SO proud of all my smart, beautiful girls!!!

Our church is doing a revolutionary whole church sermon series/small group discussions called "The Truth Project" by Focus on the Family & it is EYE-OPENING to say the least. There are some MAJOR changes happening and I am excited to say that WE are NOT in control! HIS will is our destiny & we just have to open our hearts and let him guide us. I will be the first one to admit that I haven't been completely "in his light" for a long time. But you know, his love is never-ending. We are getting back on track & have seen a change in our lives.

Of course, there is the never-ending story with HRC. But, at this point we've learned to ignore the comments not concerning us. If it isn't about our precious oldest child's health, welfare...we let it go! OMG, how awesome would it have been to do 6 years ago! LOL Anyway, its a lot easier and we're much happier.

I've bought Matt's bday present & he is SUPER EXCITED! Of course, he'll have to wait over a week after his birthday to go but he doesn't mind! I'm sad I'll miss it, but I wanted him to have a guys night w/his cousin Chad! They hardly ever see each other now that they are 4-5 hours apart!

Well, I had a little more to say, but Beast is apparently awake & hungry now! We have a lot planned for the end of this year & a BIG surprise for the beginning of next year! We are SOOO excited! ;) Hope everyone has a great day!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Ok, thanks everyone for the kind notes. I really appreciate them. I am not going to let it worry me, I know God is on my side and hopefully the legal system, but you never can tell about that last one. Here is the "Readers Digest" version.

Her Royal Craziness has been harrassing, stalking, and threatening me (and my children) for years. In April, I received the final straw that broke the camel's back. I decided I'd had enough and it needed to stop. I filed a 50-C, for harrasment & stalking. She didn't show to the first court date (hadn't been 30 days since she was served), so it was continued to June 18. Obviously I couldn't take a newborn baby into the court w/me all day & I was not switching MY child to formula to accomodate yet another piece of drama caused by her. I spoke with my advocate & she said she couldn't ask for a continuance if I couldn't be there. So, she didn't "win" it was just dismissed.

Yesterday, I was served with a civil suit for damges incurred relating to the 50-C case. She is trying to say that I filed it just to harass her & abused the court system. She wants compensation for "transportation, loss of income, as well as needless anxiety and mental anguish." OMGosh! One, she was coming into town that day anyway to pickup Monster the next day (so says her email to us). Two, she doesn't work, so what income did she lose (unless she wants to claim a job, then my hubby can sue for the child support she isn't paying). Three, ANXIETY & MENTAL FRICKIN' ANGUISH? WHERE THE HECK HAS SHE BEEN THE LAST 6 YEARS??? I CAUSED "HER" MENTAL ANGUISH! HILLARIOUS!

She claims I only filed the 50-C to harrass her, but we all know the truth. Her friend threatening me (see previous blog) pushed it all to the forefront & I knew that I needed to stop it right then & there.

It's all gravy baby (LOL)! I still have all the notes, documents, emails, etc that I was going to present to the judge for the 50-C case. Plus, now I have more including things she doesn't have access to anymore because the site shut down. I am praying that the Judge has the wisdom to see through all the lies and craziness to see the truth. That's really all I can ask for.

*funny side note to all my SMoms friends: So, when are we all suing for the "Anxiety & Mental Anguish" the BM's have caused in our lives, our bio's lives, and even our Skids lives? LOL

Thursday, September 10, 2009


WOW! So, I think this is the first LONG stretch of quiet time in a while. Matt's off to pick up Monster at school, Monkey's still napping after her busy morning @ preschool, and Beast is amusing herself in her saucer next to me. How is everyone? Glad you asked!

Monster is loving first grade & thinks "it isn't even hard yet!" She is excited to have a guinea pig in the classroom, as well as her best friend! THANK GOD the teacher had the foresight to put them at seperate tables, LOL! She's done well on her homework and will do great on her first spelling test tomorrow. It's amazing to see how much she's learned in a year. I'm so glad we kept up "homework" over the summer & I even have her reading 2 LEVELS higher than when she left kindergarten. She's going to be my little bookworm & I LOVE IT!

Monkey started preschool this week. She hugged us & ran off to play without any looks back. At pickup time she was all smiles and said "Mommy, I love preschool but I missed you and daddy and Beast and Monster.  Is it time to pick up Monster yet?" (all in one breath, LOL) It makes me proud that we've raised such an independent little girl! I didn't think it would bother me too much until I teared up a little at breakfast today. Long story short, I always make extra breakfast because she's always eaten part of mine (even if she has her own). This morning, I couldn't finish my breakfast & realized it was because I had still made that little bit extra for her! AWWWWW! Its ok, I'll be fine (sniffle) because I know she's having a great time & it will be so good for her.

Beast, where do I start?! Of course, she's growing everyday. What you don't know is that she's perfect! LOL She's already so smart, beautiful & FUNNY! How a 3 month old can laugh like she does is AMAZING to me. I can't get over how fast she picks up everything. She's scooting, grabbing, and LOVES "people food" already. Carrots are her fav, but I think mashed potatoes are a close second. We're waiting to get through veggies without allergies (fingers crossed) before fruits, then meats. She's had a couple of treats in the form of cookie nibbles & the pics are SOO cute as you know! I joke around that we'll have to have another just so I can have a "baby" because she came out ready to run.

Baseball games start Saturday, both girls are on the "Athletics" in their age groups. Although I DESPISE the A's (GO DODGERS!), I think its cute they'll match. We'll just pretend the A is for AWESOME, LOL! We're all ready for AWANA to start next week & Daisies will kick off this month for Monster. Matt is doing SUPER in his classes & I am so proud of him for being able to balance family, career, and his DEGREE all at once.

Hope everyone's doing well! I've got to get the girls outfits ready for pictures in the park Sunday! Then Monday, making copies & lining up our little duckies are in a row. ;) Find me on Facebook if you want updates more often! Its much easier to keep up with