Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Ok, thanks everyone for the kind notes. I really appreciate them. I am not going to let it worry me, I know God is on my side and hopefully the legal system, but you never can tell about that last one. Here is the "Readers Digest" version.

Her Royal Craziness has been harrassing, stalking, and threatening me (and my children) for years. In April, I received the final straw that broke the camel's back. I decided I'd had enough and it needed to stop. I filed a 50-C, for harrasment & stalking. She didn't show to the first court date (hadn't been 30 days since she was served), so it was continued to June 18. Obviously I couldn't take a newborn baby into the court w/me all day & I was not switching MY child to formula to accomodate yet another piece of drama caused by her. I spoke with my advocate & she said she couldn't ask for a continuance if I couldn't be there. So, she didn't "win" it was just dismissed.

Yesterday, I was served with a civil suit for damges incurred relating to the 50-C case. She is trying to say that I filed it just to harass her & abused the court system. She wants compensation for "transportation, loss of income, as well as needless anxiety and mental anguish." OMGosh! One, she was coming into town that day anyway to pickup Monster the next day (so says her email to us). Two, she doesn't work, so what income did she lose (unless she wants to claim a job, then my hubby can sue for the child support she isn't paying). Three, ANXIETY & MENTAL FRICKIN' ANGUISH? WHERE THE HECK HAS SHE BEEN THE LAST 6 YEARS??? I CAUSED "HER" MENTAL ANGUISH! HILLARIOUS!

She claims I only filed the 50-C to harrass her, but we all know the truth. Her friend threatening me (see previous blog) pushed it all to the forefront & I knew that I needed to stop it right then & there.

It's all gravy baby (LOL)! I still have all the notes, documents, emails, etc that I was going to present to the judge for the 50-C case. Plus, now I have more including things she doesn't have access to anymore because the site shut down. I am praying that the Judge has the wisdom to see through all the lies and craziness to see the truth. That's really all I can ask for.

*funny side note to all my SMoms friends: So, when are we all suing for the "Anxiety & Mental Anguish" the BM's have caused in our lives, our bio's lives, and even our Skids lives? LOL

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