Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Just an update for my faithful friends. We're superawesomewonderful (yep). Melanie took some outdoor photos of the girls yesterday in Liberty (just before the ginormous storm) & I think we'll definitely have some cute ones! Of course, a mosquito attacked Monkey's arm just before the shoot. Seriously, like 8 bites in 1 minute!

Monster received her progress report for shcool & I was right, she is doing AWESOME. Her reading is actually 2 levels abouve where they expect a "beginning 1st grader" to be! I am so glad she loves reading! She needs to be seperated from classmates for some work, but it really helps her focus. I would MUCH rather she have her own desk than be on meds!

Monkey still loves preschool (yay!) and has only "moved her mouse" a couple of times, mostly for talking during circle time. Hmm, no clue where she gets that! SHe can count to 30, knows ll her letters, can WRITE HER NAME with proper upper/lower case, and can even READ SOME WORDS! She wishes she could go every day, just like her big sissy. (I do too sometimes, lol) I do miss her though; it's too quiet around here when she's gone.

Beast, WOW, where do I start?! She is just too big to be so small! She's a whopping (lol) 11 lbs, 3 oz & 24 in long. She's eating more food, pushing herself to a sitting position, crawling a little (well, its more of a scoot), and LOVES to talk! She'll even repeat a few sounds like "ma" "da" and "ka" when you say them to her!!! Her pediatrician says she's actually more on the level of a 6-8 month old! HOLY COW!

I am SO proud of all my smart, beautiful girls!!!

Our church is doing a revolutionary whole church sermon series/small group discussions called "The Truth Project" by Focus on the Family & it is EYE-OPENING to say the least. There are some MAJOR changes happening and I am excited to say that WE are NOT in control! HIS will is our destiny & we just have to open our hearts and let him guide us. I will be the first one to admit that I haven't been completely "in his light" for a long time. But you know, his love is never-ending. We are getting back on track & have seen a change in our lives.

Of course, there is the never-ending story with HRC. But, at this point we've learned to ignore the comments not concerning us. If it isn't about our precious oldest child's health, welfare...we let it go! OMG, how awesome would it have been to do 6 years ago! LOL Anyway, its a lot easier and we're much happier.

I've bought Matt's bday present & he is SUPER EXCITED! Of course, he'll have to wait over a week after his birthday to go but he doesn't mind! I'm sad I'll miss it, but I wanted him to have a guys night w/his cousin Chad! They hardly ever see each other now that they are 4-5 hours apart!

Well, I had a little more to say, but Beast is apparently awake & hungry now! We have a lot planned for the end of this year & a BIG surprise for the beginning of next year! We are SOOO excited! ;) Hope everyone has a great day!

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