Thursday, September 10, 2009


WOW! So, I think this is the first LONG stretch of quiet time in a while. Matt's off to pick up Monster at school, Monkey's still napping after her busy morning @ preschool, and Beast is amusing herself in her saucer next to me. How is everyone? Glad you asked!

Monster is loving first grade & thinks "it isn't even hard yet!" She is excited to have a guinea pig in the classroom, as well as her best friend! THANK GOD the teacher had the foresight to put them at seperate tables, LOL! She's done well on her homework and will do great on her first spelling test tomorrow. It's amazing to see how much she's learned in a year. I'm so glad we kept up "homework" over the summer & I even have her reading 2 LEVELS higher than when she left kindergarten. She's going to be my little bookworm & I LOVE IT!

Monkey started preschool this week. She hugged us & ran off to play without any looks back. At pickup time she was all smiles and said "Mommy, I love preschool but I missed you and daddy and Beast and Monster.  Is it time to pick up Monster yet?" (all in one breath, LOL) It makes me proud that we've raised such an independent little girl! I didn't think it would bother me too much until I teared up a little at breakfast today. Long story short, I always make extra breakfast because she's always eaten part of mine (even if she has her own). This morning, I couldn't finish my breakfast & realized it was because I had still made that little bit extra for her! AWWWWW! Its ok, I'll be fine (sniffle) because I know she's having a great time & it will be so good for her.

Beast, where do I start?! Of course, she's growing everyday. What you don't know is that she's perfect! LOL She's already so smart, beautiful & FUNNY! How a 3 month old can laugh like she does is AMAZING to me. I can't get over how fast she picks up everything. She's scooting, grabbing, and LOVES "people food" already. Carrots are her fav, but I think mashed potatoes are a close second. We're waiting to get through veggies without allergies (fingers crossed) before fruits, then meats. She's had a couple of treats in the form of cookie nibbles & the pics are SOO cute as you know! I joke around that we'll have to have another just so I can have a "baby" because she came out ready to run.

Baseball games start Saturday, both girls are on the "Athletics" in their age groups. Although I DESPISE the A's (GO DODGERS!), I think its cute they'll match. We'll just pretend the A is for AWESOME, LOL! We're all ready for AWANA to start next week & Daisies will kick off this month for Monster. Matt is doing SUPER in his classes & I am so proud of him for being able to balance family, career, and his DEGREE all at once.

Hope everyone's doing well! I've got to get the girls outfits ready for pictures in the park Sunday! Then Monday, making copies & lining up our little duckies are in a row. ;) Find me on Facebook if you want updates more often! Its much easier to keep up with

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