Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Love Story

A friend posted her "love story" & asked all her friends to write theirs, so here goes! I WANT YOURS TOO!

I met Matt in HS. We had an Algebra class together, said hi in the halls, and he was friends with my HS boyfriend. He was a year ahead of me and when he graduated, I honestly couldn’t have cared less (love ya babe).

We lived our lives in completely different ways for the next few years. I went to WCU & had a blast! He started what he THOUGHT was a family that only turned out to be a nightmare, with one blessing that I wouldn't change at all.

Nov 7, 2003... There was a play-off game @ our HS alma mater & I wasn't going to go, but one of my BESTEST friends, Linda, was doing the ticket table & asked if I would keep her company. Of course, I would never turn down a chance to socialize, especially since I was supposed to leave for England in a few months for an Au Pair position! Well, Matt walked up & we started talking...he never made it into the game!

We went to IHOP to catch up afterward & we talked about everything! We were there for a few hours. I found out that he & JohnR (another one of my BESTEST buddies) were moving in together at the end of the month. So, it was easy to see we were going to see a lot more of each other. I wasn't thinking of it in a "relationship" sort of way AT ALL.

Well, long story short, we went out a few times as friends. Then, one night after a movie & some video games w/JohnR, we kissed! It was nothing expected, yet it felt completely right. A few days later, my au pair position fell through because of some passport issues. I was upset at the time, because it was something VERY random that kept me from getting one. In fact, it turned out to be a BIG mess that was solved with a click of a mouse! So, you gotta wonder...

So, Matt & I started dating exclusively & here we are 6 years later. Although its not a walk in the park some days, I know its that forever love that everyone dreams of finding one day. The way each tiny “coincidence” having to fit together just right shows God definitely has a purpose but also a sense of humor. I am so blessed to have found him & to share our lives, our children, and our dreams! If you haven’t found that person, KEEP LOOKING! DON’T SETTLE!

Off to Mady's preschool Thanksgiving Harvest luncheon!

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