Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thanks for the comments girls (and guy) but a few of my friends have already been attacked/bothered for their support in the past, so I'll keep your pages & comments to myself so you can avoid all that!

To answer you: Matt & I are doing great. He's really been moved by all of this as well. Changes really are happening & I am so blessed to have him. He's become so much more than I ever could've wanted. The other night I was reminded how much he cares for his family & to what lengths he will go to protect us in every way. He may have lost his head for a moment with that person, but I am so proud of his actions afterward!

Close friends and family know our oldest daughter's current situation. We are doing everything in our power to give her the solid home and family she deserves. I can't say the same for everyone in her life and that makes me feel more emotions than I feel comfortable sharing here. I will say this, I cried while talking to my mother in law the other night about it. How can someone claim to love a child but not be willing to be in THEIR life. Sure, its easy to say "I can't because..." but having a child means being ever present. Otherwise, are you really a parent? Can you say you're raising your child? I've come to the realization that you can't MAKE someone be a parent no matter how much you wish they would be.

I'm sure we'll end up back in court because it seems nothing will be "good enough" until Monster is torn apart & we've all spent our time/money to fight over a child that is perfectly happy, loved, and safe. One day, they'll look back & realize they lost her to themselves, not us. They'll know that their time & money could've been best spent on raising her, spending time with her, and being a part of her life, not fighting over her.

I hate that we have to spend our money that could be put towards so much, but she's definitely worth it. So what that I can't buy "everything" I want. We have so much already it doesn't matter. Plus, my family is wonderful! My dad LOVES to spoil the girls & I know they'll NEVER want for anything...well, except maybe that pony, LOL!

We've chosen to follow God in our home and trust in His will for our family. I guess that's all we can do right now. Of course, sometimes I wonder if we are strong enough to be what our daughters need. But then I remember that God has given them to us according to His ultimate plan. I don't need to know why or how, just that there is a reason & a season for everything. If that changes in the future, I'm sure I will question Him, but I will still need to trust in Him. There is NOTHING that God's will can not affect. Remember that.

So, enough of that! This Sunday we dove into the relationships and systems that God has created. Marriage & Family were a big focus. I never thought I would say this but I am ready to be in submission to my husband. Isn't that crazy to hear from ME of all people? LOL I KNOW! But, here's the catch...submission doesn't mean "obey" or "be under his control" or have any other negative connotation. It means respect, listen to, share life, and so many more postive things.

Husbands, love your wife as you love God. Yep. Fully complete, pure deep love without blame or expectations. When you love her like that, respect will be automatic. One day you will be held accountable in God's eyes for the state of your family. If that isn't motivation, I don't know what could be.

I am so blessed to be where I am right now. I'll be getting my girls up in a few mintues from their warm beds to start their daily walk not only in life, but in the Lord. The differences in our home are remarkable. What a difference a day makes. I can't wait to see where our journey takes us!

We can't change the past, but we sure can make a dent in our present & future!

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