Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Stepmother's Bill of Rights

Stepmother's Bill of Rights

I will be part of the decision-making process in my marriage and family at all times.

People outside the immediate family - including ex-wives, in-laws- cannot make plans that affect my life without my consent.

I will not be responsible for the welfare of children for whom I can set no limits.

I must be consulted about the children that will live with us, when they can visit and how long they will stay.

I will be consulted regarding all family financial matters.

Others may not violate my private space at home.

I will never be treated as an "outsider" in my own home.

My stepchildren will treat me with respect.

Our marriage is our first priority, and we will address all issues together.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Today Sucked.

Ok, we found out the "colds" we have all had are Viral Upper Respiratory Infections. To top that off, I woke up this morning and our propane tank had gone empty last night at some point, so we had no heat!!! GRRRR

Then, I had to call BM to let her know that Monster is sick because we wouldn't want to spread this yuckiness to their house (especially with her being close to delivery), so we arranged to shift to a saturday to monday weekend. That went ok. Maybe that is getting better?

We spent the whole day on the phone with the Propane company BEGGING them to find it in their kind hearts to deliver to us SOMETIME today. They finally found time around 3 pm, YAY! So, now we are nice and toasty. I made a very warm yummy dinner & am now just taking a few minutes to check the emails of the day. I hope your day was better than mine!

The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. (Tolstoy)

Monday, January 21, 2008


It's mornings like this that make all the "DRAMA" just fade away. I have been "under the weather" for a week or so and the girls have had colds. I have been pushing forward because things have to be done...YUCK! This morning, Hubby got up and made breakast for me and the girls & now he is playing with them in their new playroom. It's nice to have some morning time to myself to have a cup of tea and just chill. As a husband, he is still growing. His "practice marriage" (thats what we affectionately refer to it as) really left him with some scars and issues to overcome and we work daily on our relationship. We may have hills to climb, but the valleys in between are shallow. Communication, love, patience, and understanding are definitely staples in our home. As a father, I couldn't ask for anyone better. He loves his girls more than life itself. He knows what he wants for them in life and is willing to do everything in his power to make sure it happens. I know he will always be here for them no matter what life throws our way. Come on, how many dads will play princess tea party, blocks, & cars all in the same day? He definitely scores some points on days like this. I love you Hubby.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Family Time

WOW! The girls LOVE bowling! We took them, along with my sis R and Hubby's bro S to eat and then to the Bowling Alley last night. It was a BLAST!!! While we were deciding where to eat, Monster suggested a restaurant. Hubby said he didn't like it. Monster told him "um, if you don't like it you can drop us off and we will eat and you can eat somewhere else, then you can pick us up for bowling." The way she said it was SO funny! I couldn't laugh at the time because we had to let her know she couldn't have that kind of attitude with her daddy, but I teased him about it later!

First, I have never seen anything as cute as the TINY bowling shoes Monkey was wearing. She barely made it, the smallest size they had was a 6 toddler, she wears a 5 1/2 normally. They both used a 6 lb ball. Monkey's tiny hands couldn't reach all 3 holes, so she hugged and rolled "granny style" all night. Monster started that way, but by the 3rd game, she was bowling like a pro!!! She was so excited to be doing it all by herself.

They are both getting so big. Where the time goes, I have no idea. I've always loved spending time with kids, but I NEVER thought bowling on a Friday night with a 2 and 4 year old would be the highlight of my week.I can't wait until we are able to take them on REAL family trips, like the Grand Canyon, Disneyland (yes, LAND in CA), Sea World, and so many more!!! Yeah, we could take them now, but they won't remember it. Its times like last night that make it all worth while. We know that life has been a little crazy, but it seems to be falling right into place.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008


WOOHOO!!! Paint is drying, carpet is down...we should be ready to move the toys & stuff in tonight! YAY! Finally, it is almost done...now, to find some cute framed posters and a few decals. We'll post a few pics soon! The girls have chosen a "Disney Princess" theme. Matt said Ashley chose "cinderella blue" so I thought that meant a nice light blue...WOW, I was soooo wrong. I think she picked a "Blues Clues" blue. It is very bright! I am glad we went with white for the toy drawers instead of the dark blue. My OCD would have gone into meltdown stage with the crazy color scheme otherwise.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


We had a great time in WV (Thurs-Mon) with my family! I even enjoyed the trip up & back with my brothers and sisters...SHOCKING, I KNOW!!! LOL My dad, my SM, me & the girls, two of my bros, two of my sister, & A (bro's friend) ALL rode up in the RV...a 7 hour drive. I thought I was going to be pulling my hair out the entire ride!!! Much to my surprise, it was actually fun. As they are getting older, my siblings (at least some of them) are actually becoming people I am proud of, maybe there's still hope, LOL.

Monster & Monkey loved the entire trip...the drive (mostly movies and sleeping, 'cause they had to stay in carseats), time with their Great-grandparents & great-great-grandma, seeing the lights, and playing with their aunts & uncles & and their "silly A,"- even their great-aunt & uncle. They are so fortunate to be able to spend time with their extended family! They have such special relationships & their are so many children who don't get that chance.We had a wonderful time & can't wait to visit again in the spring!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


WOW!!! 2008 is going to ROCK!!!

Hubby & I are celebrating our fourth year together...WOW time really does fly when you aren't paying attention. Our wonderful girls are growing, changing, and learning more every minute!

This year, Monster will play t-ball, turn 5, start school, start Daisies, be a Sparkie in AWANA at church, and maybe even try out her basketball skills! Hubby can't wait to coach her team! Field trips, classroom parties, new friends, sleepovers (pray for Hubby, LOL), and so much more awaits her this new year!

Monkey will turn 3, maybe attend a half-day preschool a few days a week, start Cubbies in AWANA at church, and start gymnastics!!! Mommy & me gymnastics was so fun with Monster, I can't wait for that special time with Monkey, maybe Matt will participate too!!!

For Hubby & I, this year means strengthening our marriage & family daily, always striving to be the best parents for our girls. We will live each day to the fullest and never look back. I know now that all we can do is our best each day to be. We have to rely on ourselves to make the right choices and decisions for our family. If that steps on a few toes, they will heal given time. We are focusing on building a healthy atmosphere for our children and ensuring success in their futures. God bless you all in the coming year!!!

"May I have the patience and humility to believe things can get better, the willingness and courage to avoid blaming and to look at my contribution to each situation and the energy and flexibility to keep trying new ways to create more love and less stress in our lives."

New years are a chance for a beginning
Even when there hasn't been an end.
Wheels turn in an interminable bend,
Yet, marked in one spot, seem to wobble spinning.
Each year we hope to do a little better
Although we know that really nothing's changed.
Reason thinks that everything's arranged,
So we must dream if we would fate unfetter.