Monday, January 21, 2008


It's mornings like this that make all the "DRAMA" just fade away. I have been "under the weather" for a week or so and the girls have had colds. I have been pushing forward because things have to be done...YUCK! This morning, Hubby got up and made breakast for me and the girls & now he is playing with them in their new playroom. It's nice to have some morning time to myself to have a cup of tea and just chill. As a husband, he is still growing. His "practice marriage" (thats what we affectionately refer to it as) really left him with some scars and issues to overcome and we work daily on our relationship. We may have hills to climb, but the valleys in between are shallow. Communication, love, patience, and understanding are definitely staples in our home. As a father, I couldn't ask for anyone better. He loves his girls more than life itself. He knows what he wants for them in life and is willing to do everything in his power to make sure it happens. I know he will always be here for them no matter what life throws our way. Come on, how many dads will play princess tea party, blocks, & cars all in the same day? He definitely scores some points on days like this. I love you Hubby.

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