Friday, January 25, 2008

Today Sucked.

Ok, we found out the "colds" we have all had are Viral Upper Respiratory Infections. To top that off, I woke up this morning and our propane tank had gone empty last night at some point, so we had no heat!!! GRRRR

Then, I had to call BM to let her know that Monster is sick because we wouldn't want to spread this yuckiness to their house (especially with her being close to delivery), so we arranged to shift to a saturday to monday weekend. That went ok. Maybe that is getting better?

We spent the whole day on the phone with the Propane company BEGGING them to find it in their kind hearts to deliver to us SOMETIME today. They finally found time around 3 pm, YAY! So, now we are nice and toasty. I made a very warm yummy dinner & am now just taking a few minutes to check the emails of the day. I hope your day was better than mine!

The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. (Tolstoy)

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