Friday, May 23, 2008

Hello Pot, that is a nice shade of black you are wearing. Sincerely, Kettle

Thanks to all our friends & family who read my blogs & understand them for what they really mean. To those who read more into them than necessary, you are free to stop reading them anytime. God has a purpose & a plan for our life. He puts nothing in our path we can not conquer. Our life is what we make it and I choose to live a wonderful, happy life with our two girls & whoever else may come along in the future.

I thought I could make my page public again, but apprarently I was wrong. Thank you to my friends who have kept me informed, but I would rather take the high road. I am happy to have a wonderful husband, two beautiful girls, and wonderful family and friends to love & support me daily. It is not worth the stress or complications to keep trying.

To whom it may concern: I thought we discussed this but I will address it one final time. Not everything I post is concerning you. My blogs are about ME & MY feelings, as they ought to be. If you truly feel they are about you, then by all means, stop reading my posts. Well, actually, I will be assisting you by limiting access to my page on Monday, so don't worry. I have not been to your page since I removed you from my friend list, so I am not completely sure what your damage is, but I do have friends that think I should see some things every now & then. I have better things to do than worry about you & your myspace page, especially right now, so there's that.

Like I said before, thank you to those people, but I would appreciate it stopping. I have my own life, I don't need to constantly worry about others' indiscrestions, immaturities, and insensitive comments. C'est la vie. I hope everyone has a wonderful evening, I know I will. I am happy to say I will be spending the entire weekend UNINTERRUPTED with t-ball, no MK appointments, Matt's off, NO DRAMA (I hope). Thank God in advance for small miracles. Love you all!

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