Saturday, May 17, 2008

Still Healing...

Ok, I know I am supposed to be in bed....we all know how well that is working out, right? I have been in bed all week, I had to get out for a little bit today!!!

I went to Ashley's t-ball game & I PROMISE I sat in a chair the whole time! I did get a little sunburned on my face thanks to my new sensitive skin while on the antibiotic, but other than that I did ok. I know it will be a while before word gets around, but I just want to say...the awkwardness of having to explain to people what has happened is not fun. Especially when they walk up and say "OH, I hear you are pregnant, Congratulations!" When I say "we were, but we miscarried this week" I get different reactions. I guess some people think its great that I am already up & around living life, but others feel I should be at home mourning our loss or something to that effect.

I just want to make it clear, we are VERY devastated by our loss, but we also have two happy, healthy, beautiful little girls to love and care for. Some people don't ever get that chance. My life doesn't have to stop for me to mourn my unborn child. I want to move forward with our family and live life. Is that really so wrong? Thank you all once again for being here for our family. We truly do love and appreciate every bit of support and kindness right now.

*To the person who shall remain nameless - your apology meant nothing. Stay away from me.

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