Wednesday, May 21, 2008


We thought it would be hard to explain to Ashley & Madyson what happened...but when we sat them down after breakfast yesterday & told them we had to talk about the baby, it went very well. I have to give you a quick play-by-play because it made me cry and laugh at the same time, I LOVE our girls!!!

Me: "Girls, you know that I have been sick for a few days. Well, we had the baby on Thursday. It was too small and it went to be with God in Heaven."

Mady: "The baby was a chicken nugget!"

Ashley: "Does God have other babies for him to play with?"

Matt: "Yes, he has hundreds of babies."

Madyson: "thats lots of babies"

Ashley: "Does God have a wife to take care of the babies?"

Matt: "I don't know, he might."

Ashley: "Well, our baby must have been special for God to want him to come live with him."

Me: "Yes, our baby was so special God couldn't wait to see him."

Ashley: "Is God going to give us another baby?"

Me: "He might, but not right now. He wants us to spend some time with you & Madyson and then maybe he'll give us another baby later."

Ashley: "I'm happy our baby is with Jesus, but I hope he lets us have a boy baby next time."


Can you believe that? I am so thankful that God gave us the Wisdom & her the understanding to handle this situation so well.

As a side note, I had my final follow up today. I am healed completely (which surprised even the doctor!) and can return to "light activity." She says we should have no future complications from this miscarriage that would affect another pregnancy. However, she also advised we should wait at least 3 menstrual cycles to be sure my body has had time to recover before trying again.

We were able to find out more information on WHY my body rejects pregnancy hormones in the first trimester and how we can prevent that next pregnancy. Also, I knew I had an inverted uterus and tilted cervix, but it was explained more in depth to us while we were going though tests. Now I know that it is so inverted it is almost touching itself & that my cervix is at an odd angle. We also know that as soon as we find out we are pregnant next time, we will have to see a doctor for some "medical intervention" to give my body a better chance of accepting the embryo!

With all of these things put together, we are even more thankful we had Madyson with as little complication as we did. I know it sounds weird, but this has been a blessing in disguise for many reasons, most of them personal.

Thank you for your support, love, and understanding.

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