Tuesday, March 17, 2009


YAY! The Leprechaun trap is finished & works great! I wonder if they'll catch one today, LOL. The pics are up & you have to check them out. We had a BLAST making it. We all helped, including Matt's parents & brother, so it truly was a family project. Matt & Monster took it in yesterday morning & she wouldn't let any of her friends near it. She'd say "ok guys, you can look but I have to show you how it works!"

Matt & his dad rigged it like the game mousetrap!!! There's a wire attatched to a gold weight. When the Leprechaun pulls the gold, it trips a wire that pulls out a stopper. The stopper releases the marble which goes down through a hose & through a rainbow PVC pipe. It snaps a mousetrap (safeguarded with catch hooks so tiny fingers don't get caught in it) which pulls a stick & catches the leprechaun in a box!

OMGosh, it was HILLARIOUS to watch them try to get it to work. I helped them figure out a few "logistical problems" but mostly, I worked on the creative design part.  Monster used power tools, helped spray paint, wrote the words, and did a LOT of work herself! Even Mady helped by putting Shamrock stickers ALL over it.

While the "boys" & Ash were doing the mechanics, I showed Angie (Matt's Mom) how to play Wii Sports. I thought I was going to have to pry her away! I think the Wii is really going to be a fun family activity. We even had Larry (Matt's Dad) playing before the end of the day!!!

I am so thankful for our family. I wouldn't trade them for the world!

BTW...the girls' baseball Opening Day will be March 28 at Pleasant Garden Community Center! Let me know if ya wanna come out & watch...I'll send you the times!

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