Sunday, March 8, 2009

Observations & Changes

So, as you can tell, I have fixed my page now. Not sure what the issue with the blogs & comments, but its all gravy now, LOL.

OMGosh! Matt & I are SO sick & tired of "Her Royal Craziness." He's been doing a great job of keeping me out of it (THANKS BABY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH). But lately, the site they use to communicate has been crashing & Matt's been using my AOL account for email purposes. Yes, Matt has email addys but he blocked both her & her husband a while back (and he only checks his email when I remind him, LOL). Well, anyway, every time I signed on AOL, I was bombarded with her emails & had to save them for when he was available to read & respond to them. Sometimes, he would even hit "send later" so that she wouldn't get them until he was at work & he wouldn't have to repsond! EVIL LITTLE MONKEY, LOL!!!

Ok, so ummm...NO. I want to make sure Matt receives the info he needs, but I am not going to deal with her bull anymore. So, to take care of that issue, I have blocked her email, her husband's, and even her mom's (just for safe measure). Isn't AOL wonderful to have such customizable SPAM filters so that I don't even have to know anything was sent! It just deletes it befoe it hits my inbox!!!

Matt wrote them both an email & told them they could use the custody planner site (when it isn't having issues) or the Yahoo! Group we set up to communicate anything Ashley related. Can we say YAY ME for totally removing her from my personal life! (well, I am sure she is still checking me here, but that's fine) She wants ME to be uninvolved, but is now forwarding ALL her emails to her husband to "edit" before she reads them! CRACK ME UP! How precious is that, she can't even handle what she dishes out.

But anyway, after the most recent dramafest, Matt's decided to give her what she wants...the ability to focus on her other child & only worry about Monster 4 days a month. She seriously told him that HE has to deal with any issues that Ashley has from now on, so he's going to. Of course, he'll continue to put Monster's activities & their dates/times/locations on the shared calendar because he's required to. All the extra stuff that we try to include her on is out the window. When Monster lost her tooth & we called her to let Monster tell her.  Right thing to do?  We thought so.  Instead she said we were rubbing it in her face.  Mosnter said "she wasn't even excited a little bit." HOW SAD IS THAT?

Well, all of this weekend's lovlineness stems from her freaking out & starting a downward spiral (again). This time, about GS COOKIE MONEY & RAFFLE TICKETS! Seriously? OMGosh! Great job on picking something to make a big deal. She was supposed to bring them Friday & left them at her house 3 hours away. The cookie money is taken care of at this point, but we have to sell ALL 10 raffle tickets by next Saturday and she's had them for three weeks. (LET ME KNOW IF YOU'D LIKE TO HELP HER TEAM OUT)

 She hasn't sold even ONE but Matt is supposed to say "that's ok" and sell them IF she even overnights them like she said she would! (btw, what kind of parent or grandparent can't even buy ONE raffle ticket or ONE chocolate bar for a fundraiser, WOW!!!) So, now she is making it a point that she will not do fundraising anymore. CONGRATULATIONS ON TAKING ANOTHER STEP BACK FROM BEING AN ACTIVE PARENT! QUIT CRYING ABOUT NOT BEING INVOLVED WHEN YOU ARE CHOOSING TO DISENGAGE!

She also thinks that she can dictate to Matt that he can't come to Monster's activities on "her time." Um, I don't remember that being in the order. If it were, she wouldn't be allowed to go on field trips, go to her dance recital, et cetera because they are all during "his time." Right now, she's saying that Monster won't attend activities on "her time" if Matt is there. Which, of course, we can't do anything about, but oh well.

It's really so sad that she still thinks Monster is a toy that she can take away when Matt "misbehaves." But guess what! Ashley is a person & she can't hold that over his head anymore. The Judge made sure that wouldn't happen again. I am so glad that its all over, but at the same time it never will be. At least not until she can let it all go & make the choices that are best for Monster.

I just don't see how keeping Monster from activities on her time could affect us. We've already paid for them, we don't get penalized, and it also saves us having to deal with her & having to pretend to get along in front of  Monster. So, the only one that is getting hurt is  Monster. Ya know, I can't wait until Monster is old enough to really understand what is going on. She'll be able to read ALL the emails, court docs, and everything else. It will all be so much clearer to her who had her best interest in mind & who was being vindictive.

Yes, I know you're reading this & no, I don't really care, obviously. Yes, we should all get along for Monster's sake, but I am done being fake in front of her. Yes, I will be cordial when necessary, but I will no longer engage in meaningless conversations that get us nowhere. I am a very happy person & I refuse to let you change that. So, when you are at an activity/event with us, please find your own space away from us, ESPECIALLY my children. I WILL NOT let your negativity affect them. It already affects  Monster  enough. As always, she can come to you on our time to say hello & goodbye or take any pictures. The same respect on your part would be wonderful. If not, well, she'll understand soon enough.


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