Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Updates & more...

Hey everyone! Life's been SO busy lately, but its all worth it! School was cancelled Mon & Tues because of the weather & we've been playing in the snow enjoying the last few days of  Monster 's "Spring Break" (they have to make up the 4 snow days).

Matt & I have been spending more time with each other, focusing on US and forgetting about the stressors that life's thrown at us for a while. I am happy to say that we are looking forward to this summer when we'll celebrate our 4 year wedding anniversary! It's hard to believe we'll have been together 6 years this November!!! He's still working nights patrolling the streets of Ramseur. I am working my Mary Kay business & substitute teaching @ Grays Chapel.

Monster's doing great in school. She had some trouble understanding rhyming words (very funny stories to go with that), but now that it's clicked she's off & running again. There have been a few discipline issues her counselor feels is stemming from wanting some extra attention the last few weeks (not from us), but that's all under control too! THANK YOU to everyone that purchased Girl Scout Cookies. She has sold OVER 300 BOXES & can't wait to get her build-a-bear gift certificate & all her other prizes! She is loving Daisies & all that she is learning (me too!).

Her dance class is now getting boring for her, so I don't think we'll do it again next year. She is excited about doing a tap song to "Walk the Dinosaur" and LOVES her ballet costume though, so its ok. Her progress in AWANA & her ability to memorize her verses astounds me! When her friend's father passed away recently, Ashley prayed for her & her family at church in front of the AWANA group & I almost cried. She is growing up so quickly & I am proud to see her journey with Christ everyday. She'll have her first t-ball practice this Saturday & we are so excited!

Monkey...WOW, where to begin! She's definitely not Ashley, LOL. They love to be together, but have such different personalities. I love to see them play, it makes all the drama worth enduring. She is having a great time in Cubbies, learning a little more about how a tiny Christian can help friends, family, and others. She has "watered down" verses to memorize, but enjoys learning them. In fact, she will remind me that she has to learn it (especially if  Monster  is working on hers).

She is still super excited about dance & even has the dances memorized WITHOUT THE MUSIC! She'll do them at home & sing the songs herself & I can't wait for the recital on June 6. She'll either do it in front of everyone or just stand there...hmmm, we'll see. She had her first tball practice last Saturday. Well, technincally it became a parent meeting because of the rain, but she THINKS it was practice, LOL. Her first real one will be this week. It is the cutest thing to see her in her helmet & tiny bat. She's still only 36" tall & wears 2-3T clothes. We bought XXS pants & I still had to hem them!

Kamrynn is growing everyday, of course. The girls love to sit & feel her kick at night. We even have one of those dopplers w/headphones so we can hear her kick. The best is recording it at night (when she's most active) & playing it for the girls in the moring on our surround sound. It sounds like we're in there with her!!! Ashley's favorite is the most recent "hiccup episode." Madyson asks our Midwife at every visit if we can take the baby home yet. We are so blessed that our girls are excited & not dreading our newest family member! (check out the COMING SOON blog for more Kamrynn info & due date tickers)

Also, court was "over" November 2007, but then she appealed. That was denied in October this past year, but we had to wait for our evidence to be released. We FINALLY got it all back today (which included our family album). So, we're spending Thursday evening (our only free evening that Matt is off) going through it & adding pics to it from Oct 2007 through now! I also finished the baby book for Miss Kamrynn & we'll be adding the ultrasound pics, as well those from the Birth Center visits & the girls making their shirts! Ash & Mady can't wait!


I hope everyone has a great week & don't forget to set your clocks ahead before you go to sleep Saturday!!!

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